Their rhythm of all forms of transport, development of the increasing volume of freight traffic with minimal labor, material and energy resources are considered as the general direction of the transport system of the country. The most important task is also to improve the quality of transportation. This refers primarily to the timely removal products wholesalers and shipping it to customers in due time and without loss, wide use of rolling stock, containers and packages, software loading and unloading of mechanization and automation of operations, the elimination of counter, repetitive, short-range railway traffic. Carriage of goods by all modes of transport cost the national economy annually in more than 100 billion rubles. Moving a ton of output is an average of 11.4 rubles. Economists' estimates, reducing transport costs by only 1% saves more than 1 billion rubles.
per year. In the form of warehouse supplies, which in the total supply of capital goods in the economy is about 25%, the greatest role to play Road Transport. Its advantages over other modes of transport are to reduce loss, the possibility of direct approach to storage sites, as well as high maneuverability and relatively high-speed product delivery to consumers. Samsung can aid you in your search for knowledge. Delivery of goods by road is particularly effective short-range rather than rail, because it allows you to free cars for transportation cargo over long distances and significantly reduce transportation costs. Increasing the speed of transportation promotes the release of working capital from consumers, accelerating circulation of rolling stock and increase its carrying capacity.
This reduces capital investment in vehicles and lower operating costs. It should be noted that in the process of logistics is not only important withstand periods of supply, but also to ensure regular supply of those is the uniformity of the supply of two consecutive shipments. The magnitude of party supplies can vary widely in Depending on the size requirements of the consignees. Transport helps reduce time handling products for industrial purposes. For example, reducing the interval between the sending of reducing Time Spent products from the supplier. Speed, regularity and reliability of vehicles may reduce the quantity of industrial safety at the consumer. Indissoluble link between motor and supply and sales organizations in the logistical support of the national economy is manifested in the interdependence of their performance. Thus, many aspects of the supply and marketing have significant impact on the performance of such vehicles as the coefficient of capacity utilization and mileage, vehicle performance, downtime, and so on. Furthermore, the effective work transport depends on the correct calculation of the volume of deliveries (in magnitude and direction), training and podsortirovki products, as well as the organization of the transportation process. The activities of transport, in turn, determines the course of supply management and product marketing. Supply and sales work largely depends on the capacity of vehicles, speed, agility, etc. In other words, the alteration in supply, whose purpose – the creation of the country's efficient and flexible logistics, is impossible without the restructuring of road organizations. It should be noted that in recent years created a good base for the Inter-Organization of logistics and transport. Concentration and specialization of logistics contributed to the concentration of material resources for large-scale mechanized and specialized warehouse complexes.