Also IDEOLOGY ALEM was common workmanship (1845-46), that by censorship reason it could not be published (complete edition only in 1932); it is the exposition of the marxist philosophy. Alone Marx wrote the MISERY OF the PHILOSOPHY (1847), the vehement controversy against the French anarchist Proudhon. The last common workmanship of Marx and Engels was in 1847 the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, brief summary of the historical materialism and appeals to the revolution. The 18 BRUMRIO OF LUIS BONAPARTE was published in 1852 in periodicals and 1869 as books. the first interpretation of a historical event in the case the coup d etat of Napoleo III, for the theory of the historical materialism. It enters the following writings of Marx ON CRITICAL OF the ECONOMY the POLITICS in 1859 is, even so brief, also a critical one of the modern civilization, transistion writing enters the posterior manuscript of 1844 and workmanships. The significao of this position alone was clarified by the publication (in Moscow, 1939-41, and in Berlin, 1953) of plus an unknown workmanship: CRITICAL SKETCH OF OF the ECONOMY POLITICS, written in London between 1851 and 1858 and later left without final finishing.
In 1867 it published Marx the first volume of its more important workmanship: THE CAPITAL. a pricipalmente economic book, result of the studies in BRISTISH MUSEUM, trantando of the theory of the value, the MAIS-VALIA, the accumulation of the capital etc. Marx congregated documentation immense to continue this volume, but it did not arrive to publish it. Volumes II and III of the CAPITAL had been edited by Engels, in 1885 and 1894. Other texts had been published by Karl Kautsky as volume IV (1904-10).
We only know the only science; the science of history. That is, the dialtico materislismo. The conducting wire according to Marx, for the study of history is Legal, moral the ideas, Philosophical, Religious and etc.