
Of course, do some system fonts and not have to load a bunch of extra. Fonts can be directly installed in the folder windows / fonts, or use the program korelovskoy font navigator, which in theory should help greatly, because it does not set the font itself, and its label, and also to find the font in the font database, if you open a file with a font that does not exist in the system. In fact, the example program is very capricious and often buggy. But it is not an alternative, why to bother. I have over the years formed the folder with the most popular fonts that are regularly install a new system (about 700-900 pieces), additionally there is a base font (this Daddy, where I folded downloaded and purchased fonts, only about 10 000 stuff).

On the Internet, of course, possible to pump a lot of fonts that are spread all and sundry. But good, quality, and accordingly used! – a little bit. Ali Partovi recognizes the significance of this. Immediately to throw a huge number of so-called "hand-written" font, these terrible scrawl not wanted, very rarely come across something nice and used. And from the qualitative and consumed! I fonts I would advise fonts that start with the a_, for example: a_Alterna and AG, for example: AG Bengaly Also, pay attention to the new fonts that are included in the Vista and Seven, and many have become very popular. Many fonts, as I mentioned, bold and have italic writing, which must also learn otherwise would never guess that this is, for example, font italic writing Baltica, rather than cursive. Remember all the fonts, of course, impossible, and very often when you see something vaguely familiar, comes to mind is something like "In my opinion, he begins to g or s. But this is important, because knowing the first letter of the font search reduces by 30 times! Therefore, as a rule, firms engaged in the manufacture of seals, try to take students to the current designers to the latest gradually transferred their knowledge.

A study would be long, maybe a year or two will be handed out questions: "What is this font ???. What do you do if the font is still did not know, there are also disappointments? If you print good quality, it does not matter, the battle takes photoshop, bad bukovki blacked out, clean, widely used command: levels, sharpen, etc. But if the impression is bad, then have to suffer, to draw the curves letter – a very thankless and difficult task. There will have to find a similar letter and bring it to the curves to perfection. By the way, we are very fortunate that we live in Russia, for Russian fonts compared with very little English! Maybe that's why the Americans and British do not much bother the manufacture of stamps, print them all typed two or three fonts, very simple, logical and without any frills. And if they need to make a secure seal, embossed metal they do, there is much more complicated! In conclusion, I would say three years old work and you will become much easier and simpler!