Olympic Games

Olympic Games – the biggest sporting events that are held every four years. This title carries a lot of sense itself, which was founded in the far past. Each Olympiad brings joy to some people, for Another disappointment. Most athletes are preparing for the games very carefully, train all four years, there are certainly some who appears suddenly, and they, too, have all chances to win. What do you need that to win the first place? To begin with good training, then comes the most important thing is the voice of judges to whom you should like it, that would go to the final. There have been occasions when sportsmen and deserves a just deprived of their gold medal. All probably remember the case which happened to Evgeny Plushenko. A sense of anticipation is much better than the Olympics.

This is such a passion that is intertwined with adrenaline. Who else is preparing for the Olympic Games and has a high significance? Of course, you're right, it's fans. Have you ever seen a team of players who won the match without the support? And you see, without their fans, any team is a blank space. In addition, some countries are trying to entice foreign fans to his side, while using all possible means. On such important games are very strict attitude to any violation, and for the dope should be an immediate disqualification. After that, the athlete is left but to prepare for the next Olympic competition, well, it will of course be purely symbolic to sue in court to refute, but the verdict for the plaintiff himself is no longer so important. New Competition – a new opportunity to get the victory. In that 2010 will be held 21 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver (Canada), for whom ill to you.

Communication System

NLP is the basic principles which govern the "Presuposicionesa , statements are taken as true and that guide our performance in life. Are understood as resources allow us to optimize our way of life, our relationships with others and somehow know ourselves. – The Map is not Territory: phrase coined by Korzybsky used by him as a metaphor to explain how language is a map used by people to represent the reality they perceive, that every person is different. The reality passes through several filters before being received by us, which prevents fully perceive what is reality. Bandler and Grinder (The Structure of Magic, Vol I) divided these filters in limiting neurological, social and individual.

– Life and Mind are Systemic Processes: Whose integration of resources is the basis for the creation of synergies that both operate with greater fluency. – Mind and Body are part of Communication System: Both interact and influence each other. This is confirmed by the fact that a change in one affects the other in some way, both are part of the ecology of human beings. – All behavior has a positive intention: All behavior is aimed at achieving a profit. NLP distinguishes between the intent or purpose of a behavior and the behavior itself. Just as a person is not his conduct, the person is Mari Cruz, and as a basic principle of NLP is not to judge, however Mari Cruz's behavior does not seem right may be subjected to opposing views. Each person has their essence or identity in themselves and their behaviors will be the only possible or even census and sometimes because such behavior in another context would not.