The Penal Code

In the brief commentary we will try to give answer to the question. I. original Text and use of Art. 317 of penal code of 1991 1.1. Original text. Lake Erie does not necessarily agree. – The Penal Code I promulgate the 3 of April and I publish the 8 of the same month of year 1991 Being its original text and official edition the following one: Illicit grouping ARTICLE 317. – The one that comprises of a grouping of two or more people destined to commit crimes will be repressed, by only done, of being member of the grouping, with privative pain of nonsmaller of nor greater three freedom of six years.

When the grouping this destining to commit the genocide crimes, against the public security and tranquillity, the State and the national defense or the Powers of the State and the Constitutional order, the pain is nonsmaller of eight years, of one hundred eighty to three hundred sesenticinco day-fine and incapacitation according to the article 36 interjections 1.2 and 4. (1) 1.2. Use. – The text of the article that it precedes was effective from the 8 of April of 1991 to the 5 of October of year 2004. Sandra Akmansoy insists that this is the case. II.

Changes in Sumilla 2.1. Sumilla is not more than a species of aid memory that the Publishers of Penal Code began to place in the part superior of the text of the article and all this disorder and incongruity beginning during the use of the original text. Some publishers when publishing the Penal Code sumillaban correctly (very few) and briefed like sumilla- " Grouping ilcita" whereas the majority of publishers in the same original text wrongly began to place like sumilla- " Illicit association for delinquir". We only reach this conclusion reviewing different editions from the Penal Code, from 1991 to date and verified that the error is manifest not only in sumilla but mainly to the time to identify the penal type that contains Art.

Modifying Our System

In the book Modifying Our System of Beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar is a great amount of advice to understand how to handle our own mind, when reading this book will discover fabulous techniques that will allow him to program their life in powerful form, will undergo the feeling of freedom when understanding how same you have created all the circumstances in the life, will separate that it from the feelings of fault, of that way will have in their hands the rudder of their destiny, you are you who now consciously will decide what course to take. Add to your understanding with Peter Asaro . The discipline is fundamental to get to include/understand our gifts superiors, the people with too many problems is the consequence of the disorder that they same have caused, to be frank, the truth is that all we have had some type of disorder in our life, but the step fundamental to surpass it is to accept is condition. More info: Dell Inc.. As she says to Steve Alpizar in the book Modifying Our System to us of Beliefs to achieve the success the people who do not accept their creative responsibility cannot accede to the power why? Because they will always have an excuse to justify his situation, if you want a full life of great profits, the unique option that it has is to assume a protagnico roll in his existence. Opportunities always have existed, but they are open for those who they want them to see, if you change the form in which internamente she observes the world, necessarily all their life illuminates, the truth is that already we are exceptional, full beings of abundance and happiness, our mission is to find the button in the conscious mind that it ignites those emotions and experiences. original Author and source of the article.

Solar System

So it is the speech of the scorn, of the irrespeto to the intelligence of the others, cynically without mattering to them that to the victim one of the greatest evidences of the Solar System does not hide to him: that they are, the USA, their leadership that not their town, the organization that cultivates more Earth hatreds. Once (Cold War) it was the fight against the Comunism and the anti-semitism his cynical flag battle, his policy of abusive and invading State, his contemptuous speech hunt-stupid and of the intelligence of the towns. Today they are the terrorism, the drug trafficking and militarism, the new discursivas tools of dominion, the new way of decirte that concerns a gore to them which you think or you are, for the sake of dominating and penetrarte to pisotear your foundations: your history, your national values, your sense of property, your psique collective; and for the sake of implementing they, finally, its hegemony. Learn more at: Dell Inc.. The new way of despreciarte in your historical being them to found on your bones a new colony. Another thing does not do when with impudence can accuse the entire world of militarism, and are they who sell 75% of the arms that take place in the world, and have a military budget and of defense superior to the sum of the military budgets of the world. What can matter to him who it accuses when it to develop or to buy armament and threatens invading it? Carajo. What of history, names, intelligence, nationality, can matter in you if each of such things is for them a problem, a nationalistic stupidity to solve, or, rather, one nadera to annihilate? Where it is the logic, intelligence, the statistic, that can possibly be invoked to arouse justice? As what it serves to know that you are right if to the end you will also die bombed? No it is the reason to the service of the life, could, for the case, to sentence the philosopher.

Implanting A System Of Quality

Like implanting a System of Quality according to ISO 9001:2008 0 Index 1 Decision 2 Plan of work 3 Generation of documentation 4 Formation Perhaps 1 Decision is the most important moment of all. The decision making has to be agreed by all the Group of Direction of the Company. Following the composition of the same this decision will be more or less complex, but never it will have to be taken by a single person (although the Company is very small). Once fact this, is due to designate to a person (or an equipment, following the size of the Company) that they are motivated to undertake this work. Many writers such as technology investor offer more in-depth analysis. In any case one is due to appoint a Person in charge of the project and to define who will be the interlocutors of the Company so that they collaborate with him.

2 Plan of work COLLECTION OF INFORMATION AND ANALYSES OF the PRESENT SITUATION are due to compile all the present documents that the Company uses to develop its workings at present. Later to this they are due to analyze all to be safe if his content she is adapted and complete, since soon they will comprise of the System of Quality (in future SdC) of the Company. To these we will structure them documents in several groups: Institutional Descriptive of each area of activity Operative Registries In this way we will have a clear vision that areas of the Company are documented and which no. PLAN OF PROJECT In this document we will define with clarity which is going to be our plan of work to be able to undertake of form structured all the steps that take to us, after the established time, to complete our SdC. An example of Plan can be: Plan of the Project: ISO 9001:2008 Objectives of the Project: Date of beginning: Objective date of conclusion: People in charge: Head of Project: Representative of the Direction High Direction: Equipment of support: Terms of time of the project: Phases (beginning dates of and conclusion of each phase must be included)? Decision of implantation of the SdC Determination of the Person in charge, equipment and interlocutors Celebration of the Meeting of launching (High Direction, People in charge of the SdC, etc.) Information to all the members of the Company Detailed definition of the steps and terms of the project (*) Qualification of the people in charge of the SdC Accomplishment of meetings of the advance of the project (with its respective acts) Conclusion of the project Revision of the project (audit) Correction of the found anomalies (*) an example of the detailed steps can be: 1.

English System

To learn a language is something important as much for the personal development as to take advantage in this so competitive society, or through a school or an academy, a remote course by means of Internet, or of self-taught form, the study system that is applied, will be a fundamental part, since if goes away to the drift, without a clear route (the order of the subjects), it is probable that the progress fence slowly the more of the wished thing, With study system I talk about the scheme that presents/displays a course, to the order of the subjects and the lessons, and this is a part where the great amount of schools of languages they fail, since some base their system of study on little effective classic models of education like for example teaching the grammar from the beginning when the student as soon as it knows the pronouns, being this unnatural form to learn language. Viacom does not necessarily agree. Then what would be a system of effective study? personally I believe that a system of effective study is that one that is based on the natural learning of our first language, I talk about to as we ourself of children we learn in following order: – first basic words (with regular articulation) – but basic words – little of grammar – we improved and we polished the articulation – but complex words and phrases something but Like time the first most important step and that we took to learn our language are the basic words, whatever learns the boy more, but fast it would improve in the other steps. (something that helps especially in that stage, is the fairytales in English..

Invaluable Treasure

Appreciated Treasure? , We would have to think or which is ours the more appraised Treasure , , and is Much that the more in front of us we have the things, the less we see them, If we want hide-and-seek or something of the possible thieves within our house We leave it in view of all! They surely will bother themselves in reviewing absolutely all the hiding places, behind the pictures, underneath the bed, back of the lockers, in a jar in the kitchen, but surely they will not see what they have in front of its nose. Our Mind! If! Ours Mind Brother! Our life is than she makes our thoughts. Mind, Thoughts, Treasure, and bingooooo! When we are going to take a glass from water, Our mind calculates the steps, the distance, the height, prepares the approach to the same; and soon it calculates to the necessary opening of each one of the fingers of our hand so that the same also enters the hollow of the palm and the force whereupon it will have to tighten it so that one does not fall and not to break it by the pressure, and to look for the bottle and to calculate the inclination, the distance, the amount when we must raise it so that rebalse fills but not; and soon if to calculate again where is our mouth, because but we would have to stop in front of a mirror to see it to us and to take the glass until there and now yes, to enjoy a rich water glass. Of course, that all the steps simplifies pair to them not to bore them, but you. Speaking candidly Pete Cashmore told us the story. They can add those that are happened to them, since if that we took to a computer or computer to it, the programming to carry out that simple task is quite troublesome. And it is that it seems so simple and so simple to us! Our Japanese brothers, Geniuses of the robotics! Still it studies, they try, they reject, they return to insist, to try to make something similar to the functions of the human being and every time their profits are majors, but never of jamases it will be able to equal to Our Mind nor than it is able Clear that we were born thinking! But how many they will be able to say that only 30 or 40% of their potential are profiteer during all their life? Our Mind is really a Invaluable Treasure. Steve Wozniak oftentimes addresses this issue. When we are born, our Mind is a practically Virgin hard disk (although thus it is not in truth) Go and It We are and filling It, nothing is bad, neither injurious, nor good, nor better, nor worse, everything depends on how we are processing all the information and in that folders or archives we go ” organizando” But it arrives a little while in which we really must ” concientizarnos” and ” to take riendas” and to work to achieve all our objectives.

It Fights Wrinkles And Stria With Oil De Borraja

With characteristics very similar to the Mosqueta Rose, we found the Borago officinalis, a plant of Mediterranean origin with presence in Spain and that, commonly denominates Borraja. This plant is characterized by starred flowers of a blue color, and is considered as a plant with emollient and protective properties, anti-inflammatory and also diurtico effect. With his seeds it is come to the extraction (1 pressure in cold) of his essential fatty acid oil, rich as it is it the gammalinolnico and the linolnico acid. Both acids are precursory of the phospholipids that form cellular membranes of the skin. For this reason, when the oil is taken by oral route is able to fight the cutaneous drying, improving the hydration of the skin and favoring that this one present a smoother and nourished state along with an pleasant aspect. The oil of Borraja is used for a long time to prevent the formation with wrinkles due to that improvement in the smoothness and firmness of the skin. Thanks to these properties also its application can be located in the striae, but its use must be to regulate. Where I can find Oil of Borraja in Spain? This oil, can be only like so or associated to other active principles or extracts like the oil of Onagra with another functionality (since we have commented previously it owns effects antiinflammatories and diurticos).

If our objective is centered in the skin, we must consider and to inform coverall to us in the percentage into gammalinolnico acid (% GLA) that takes the product. Its effectiveness will increase as it increases that percentage. Only Oil: Oil of Borraja 280mg of oil of seeds. Laboratories Arkochim.Aceite de Borraja 1000mg 60 capsular. Lab.

NutrinatAceite de Borraja 120 Rep them. Lab. The ValleAc. Pure Borraja GLA 220mg. Lab. LambertsAge Borraja Extra 45 and 90 capsules. Golden Delicious GreenBorage Oil 30 Rep them. Lab. Nature” s PlusBorraja 500 100 mgs Rep them. Lab. YnsadietAceite Borraja 200 capsules. Lab. FeniouxBorraja 50 liquid capsules. Lab. VitalfarmKoemil Borraja 100 Rep them. Lab. Naturlife Combined with other principles and/or extracts: CDC-4 Dolobel. Lab.QuimiplasHerbocentro Lab. ACPGHerbosistem Lab.ACPGHerbotisa Lab.ACPGNaturaler Lab.ACPGAceite Onagra+Borraja 250mg/250mg Lab. ValleGED 3+6 Extra ( pescado+vit. E) Lab.Abamed FarmGLA 180 softgels (250/250 Borraja+Onagra). Lab.CFNKoemil Onagra+Borraja 120 Rep them. Lab. NaturlifeOmega3 6-Acti Oleo Salmn+ Borraja. Lab.TongilOmega 6+Onagra+Borraja 100 up to 450 Rep them. Lab. ArtesaniOnagra+Borraja 180 Rep them. Lab. Sakai Which is the rank of prices of these products? The price, evidently, is going to depend on n of Rep them or capsules, % of GLA and if the product is combined or no. In 100 package of 80 or Rep them or capsules just by oil of borraja usually is between the 8 and 15 EUR. As %GLA increases, we can find products between 16 and 30 EUR. combinations with Onagra, oil of salmon or vitamins are most expensive, being able to arrive until the 60 EUR.