Geometry Strategy

SUMMARY This work presents reflections of an activity carried through with a group of pupils of Superior Ensino of the course of Full Licenciatura in Pedagogia of a Public University of the State of Par. The objective of the experience was to investigate in that way an activity with mockups potencializa the learning of geometric concepts. The data had been collected through a questinrio with opened questions, being analyzed in this work the relative answers to the interest of the pupils for the didactic activity, as well as the pertinent results on the process of teach-learning and the formation of the professors for the education of geometry. CONTEXTUALIZAO OF THE DIDACTIC EXPERIENCE? ON THE EDUCATION OF MATHEMATICS AND ACTIVITIES THAT APPROACH WHO LEARN OF WHAT IT IS NECESSARY TO LEARN. Geometry with its changeable dimensions and its importance for the development of the child, consequently requires including studies that they express resulted significant concernentes to education and learning of the geometric content.

Although the innumerable ones ramifications that can be worked the questions on geometry, our stories are come back toward activities elaborated and presented in classroom. Leaving of basic geometric concepts (segments of straight line, polygons, figures bi and tri-mensionais), we search to relate them it daily and the partner-cultural reality of licenciandos pupils of the initial series of a Public University of the State of Par, whose campus it is located in the capital, Belm. We objectify to analyze a potencializadora activity of learnings of basic concepts of geometry, as for example, plain and space space, area, figures. We opt to working with aspects that could be related to the civil construction thus they were next to the reality to the pupils. Therefore we can relate easily with spaces and so proper forms to discipline Mathematics. The work in classroom with mockups, this direction, potencializa to the pupil a more significant geometry, in the conceptualization of Moreira (1982), therefore it works with situations next to the reality to educating.

Secure Digital – Here to Stay

IBM has a model of CF drive called Microdrive, which has the same format of a Compact Flash but can store more than 1GB of data and internally is like a minidisk drive. – Smartmedia: they are very similar to the Compact Flash but not so widely supported and are thinner. Manufacturers such as Olympus and Fuji use these memories, but new models will catapult XD Flash memory, which will be the replacement of Smartmedia. Currently there are no new models that use this type of memories. – XD Flash: They’re very small and have access speeds (read / write) very fast.

Most new models from Olympus and Fuji use them. – Memory Stick: a memoir is Sony exclusive. The big advantage we have is that they can be used in all Sony products. The big disadvantage is that only can be used in Sony products. – Secure Digital (SD): These cards have the ability to lock data so prevent accidental data erasure. They are widely used in most models of major brands. In conclusion, the choice we have to take into account the price of these cards (in case want to buy additional memory that comes standard) as well as the size that we will use. For example, if you plan to go traveling and do not have any connection with a computer, you should buy high-capacity cards.

While you have access to a PC to download photos and burn them to CD or other storage device, we can remove the card and continue using the rest of the trip. Batteries power the camera is very important. None of us would like that in the middle of a session, a party, or a trip we stayed out of battery and we could not continue taking photos. So, without battery or batteries, the camera is just annoying and useless accessory. Digital cameras consume a lot of energy (especially when using the flash !!… and another continuously using the LCD), so that alkaline batteries do not work for them. That’s why we recommend using in the case of AA batteries, rechargeable NiMH (Nickel-Metal Hybrid) and a good charger. A great advantage with this type of batteries that are less expensive than proprietary batteries, and if at some point we ran out of batteries, AA batteries you can buy at almost any trade. In the case of cameras using proprietary batteries. These can be NiMH or Lithium Ion (Li-Ion). Usually this type of batteries are more compact, and I recommend buying an extra one as a backup if you will not have access to a plug to recharge the main battery for an extended period of use. Cameras using these types of batteries, generally include factory. The cost of purchasing additional batteries of this type is greater than the battery.