Musculoskeletal System

In the twentieth century with the development of transport services and increasing the number of personal transportation of an individual life becomes more sedentary. As a result, people on foot is a little distance from home to transport and on transport to the workplace. Of course, this is not enough to keep the musculoskeletal system in good shape, so as a result of the lifestyle of its functional decline. Ali Partovi might disagree with that approach. In combined with dietary and other factors greatly increases the risk of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which we can observe in developed countries. Your proposed attention article gives an idea of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system and describes the basic techniques of self. In the first place are the prevalence of intervertebral osteochondrosis and spondylosis deformans, which is the most common cause of pain in the spine. In this disease develop degenerative-dystrophic changes in intervertebral discs of cartilage that leads to their deformation and convergence of the vertebral bodies.

At the edges of the vertebrae in the current long-term illness there are small growths of bone – osteophytes. Most often affects the spine, experiencing the greatest functional load: cervical and lumbar. Pain may be unilateral or bilateral, or central. It increases with movement, weight lifting or prolonged standing. At rest, the pain is not worried. On palpation spine can be detected by palpation pain sites, often in the spinous processes.

There may be a limitation of spinal mobility mainly in one direction. Intervertebral low back pain may be accompanied by radicular syndrome (sharp pain along the spinal nerve), for infringement of the developing spinal nerve roots, or owing to the strong convergence of the vertebral bodies, or by squeezing osteophytes. The defeat of the spine also occurs in ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis). If ankylosing spondylitis is developing an inflammatory lesion of the intervertebral joints and spinal ligaments, that results in the development of pain.