Strategy Maintenance

MAINTENANCE PLANNED IN SEARCH OF THE BEST STRATEGY Ronald Vicente Bet After Graduation in Management of the Maintenance Summary With the necessity of the companies to search innovations to take care of its customers faster possible and with the waited quality, the maintenance sector come if developing of gradual form in the systems of asset management. In such a way, practical of maintenance planned they above all search to reduce cost, to guarantee the security and trustworthiness of the equipment. Therefore, this article intends to show the basic knowledge and necessary it stops to adopt the way strategies that the development of the sector it helps the sustainable growth of the companies remaining itself competitive in the current market. Word-key: Planned maintenance, Asset, strategies, costs and quality. 01.

INTRODUCTION In elapsing of the years the companies are evolving constantly searching modern strategies of management with the objective to search differential in the attendance of its customers. In such a way, the maintenance department is suffering great impact in the management from the assets, searching to prevent unexpected breakings affecting the high cost and the productivity. Ahead of this situation, the maintenance department is focando its activities in planning to optimize the costs and to guarantee the trustworthiness of the installed equipment. So that this occurs, it is basic that all the involved people direct or indirectly must be lined up with the definite strategies. The maintenance costs correspond the main part of the total operational expenses of a company. Depending on the specific industry, the maintenance costs can represent enter 15% 30% of the capital of the manufactured products. Recent research carried through for the ABRAMAN (Brazilian Association of Maintenance) indicates that one tero of all the maintenance costs is wasted as resulted of inadequately carried through unnecessary maintenance or.