Products of the solar specialists guarantee optimal value in the use of solar energy ALZENAU – the bestSOLAR GmbH is the first partner of the solar specialists SOLAREASY in the region of Hanau-Alzenau. bestSOLAR solar systems delivers, assembled and cared for various requirements with the proviso, to achieve optimal efficiency. To ensure this, trusts the continuing specialist company on the products from SOLAREASY. The company develops and produces highly secure, ingeniously simple and highly efficient systems for the use of solar energy. Founder and managing director Wolfgang Peter has over 30 years of experience in solar technology, and is one of the pioneers of the industry in Germany. In November, SOLAREASY has started to build a nationwide network of certified and owner-managed companies for solar and heating.
So, customers can be sure to receive optimal products and the best service. The extension of the heating with solar panels to a The SOLAREASY products our customers optimal and extremely durable solar – and heating systems, which provide for highest efficiency and best solar yields with complete system. One reason for this is the sophisticated interplay of all components\”, says bestSOLAR CEO Eric Weise. Individual consultation the basis for best technology base for an optimal solar heating technology is a comprehensive advice. In personal consultations, develop the bestSOLAR professionals the right solar strategy together with our customers and secure investments for the next few decades. At the same time the experts individually calculate yield of the house owner and inform him of the development programmes of the Federal Office for Economics and export control (BAFA) and Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (KfW). For example, the State shoot to 750 euro for new solar systems for heating and hot water until the end of the year. The same applies when replacing an old boiler without condensing technology against a boiler with condensing technology for simultaneous installation of a solar system\”, explains Eric Weise.