
Moreover, the way it responds to a problem, as an alternative resolution, will be oriented to what you want: do you want to achieve the goals or want to overcome? There is a difference in how to meet the leaders and managers on how to solve. The manager, the man in the management tends to focus on problems, their need is to solve this affects the management, but the leader tends to focus more on the opportunities, because their need is to raise the level of the organization. In this sense, the answer of the leader is more far-reaching, because not only is thinking to solve the everyday: the immediate, but is also looking at the long term. Another important aspect in solving problems is the support and involvement that is sought of the team, so if the goal is organizational maturity. In some contexts it is working as the leader fixes everything. The slogan is a the leader there to solve everything that has to be resueltoa . But not all decisions in response to problems it must correspond to the leader.

The leader needs to prioritize which problems require more focus your attention. This will help your decision focus on the core of the real problems and needs, focusing their energy, attention and time to solve the problems of life, rather than diluted in many problems at once, which addresses and resolves only partially. Moreover, there is a leader with ability to effectively manage all the problems that occur in your organization.