In this way, some occupations, depending on this dynamics, can serestratificadas together in way that when evidenced they represent a nicaocupao. For Binford (1992), the guarantee of an accomplished understanding passed is related to the agreement of the dynamic that involve aformao of the archaeological register, over all, of that it forms if they reveal. Paratanto if makes necessary: Study on the process of formation of the archaeological register and as this it reflects the paper and its performances in the organization of the past, in general way: a) understanding of the sedimentation levels and erosion; b) geomorfologia; c) processes after-deposicionais; By means of this examination, to infer on the variability in synchronous and diacrnicas dimensions. The component small farms of a nesting system, therefore, are not similar inside of the organizacionais contexts where fazemparte, many times I content technological inventories distinct, that is, presenting joint artefatuais and distributions, structures and dimensesdiferenciadas; however being considered complementary. Soon, guardianship devices, for example, can be maisbem represented in a small farm, while in others the expeditos are more common; combustion structures can occur with more frequency and in desiguaisorganizaes; different types and distribution of faunsticos remaining portions soesperados in the small farm base and the station of hunting, thus for ahead. Therefore, many important points are indicated in seutexto, between which: That to understand passed it is inherent to the understanding of the places, that is, of the landscape; That if it must understand the deposicionais processes of an area and, before everything, that does not exist relation between the deposicionais episodes and the cultural system (at least in part); It has differences between the small farm base and locations of specific of organizacional order, possible activities of recognition it saw register archaeological; The biogeogrficas characteristics influence the use standard of the small farm base; That different small farms, also with diversified technological inventory, can occur in one same area; That mobility confers different uses in the landscape (cultural geography).