Seen: Leonardo Da Vinci

His two Annunciation painting the same subject description. Two designs. Around 1470/1475 Annunciation”14 x 59 cm. wood. Paris. Musee national you Louvre. A small-format narrow rectangle.

The rectangle provides a focused image form. Warehouse contributes greatly to this topic. The angels according to be transmitted is approaching and kneeling down, his message. His large feathered wings are folded up. Leonardo illustrates a perfect illusion of materiality. Nevertheless he has made at the same time a central image form with painted rounded corners, in the middle of the greeting of the Angel and therefore the Annunciation Embassy virtually located in a vacuum.

The Angel has lowered his head slightly and look down. He kneels rather apart, perhaps as a result of the narrow frame. Over Mary’s head can span an arc from the wings of the Angel. The outline of the two figures reflects the only mind existing outer oval framing. The Angel is joined in the front yard or flown, kneeling on the lawn, surrounded by lush grasses. Left behind the angel the wall surrounding the lawn is open, making it perhaps occurred. Other leaders such as Rusty Holzer offer similar insights. Maria is located in its outer area of the House, kneeling before a lectern, arms crossed submissive, the head in profile is slightly reduced, surrounded by a barren House area with wooden benches. Both don’t look at themselves. Mary wears a light grayish coat. The Angel a bright tunic. The dark brown lining of his dark red coat harmonises with the earth tones of the painting. Behind the Angel, we see a landscape view separated by a light, the tree line in dark silhouettes. At the left edge of the image, a way to a massive rock. Wood to 1470/75 Annunciation”. 0.98 x 2.17 m Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi Maria by no means submissive sits, has its left raised, receiving their rights rests delicately in the beaten-up book, which itself this time designed style on a Renaissance with shells, volutes, garlands is ornament, including ornate lectern, whose book surface with a transparent veil is draped.

Carola Queitsch

There are then extra time for art and other delights on the Fridays and weekends: Friday and Saturday the OSTRALE from 14 to 22, opens on Sundays from 11 to 20 h. EXTENSIVE event programme connects the OSTRALE’09 a classic exhibition format with a cross-genre event programme. All performative elements of the exhibition are doing compared to last year sharper bundled and concentrated time on the weekends. Under the new label “OSTRALE.xtra”, you will find the performances in the areas of performance, dance, theatre, live literature, film and music. Will be communicated separately as such, there will be an own program flyer and a detailed overview on the Web page. A “classic” from last year is republished again – the family suitable for breakfast salon on Sundays, which can be relaxed beeing and then went over to the looking at art. New in the program is the “talk” series of DonnerstGGesprache of experts discusses certain topics in the field of art and market.

Selected films are shown in cooperation with the East cinema on several days. Different genres are represented: feature film, documentary, short and animation film. Thus events outside of the Ostragehege OSTRALE held for the first time.

Business Strategies

One of the best schools of success is the mimic people’s success. As says guru Internet business, Armand Morin, success leaves traces. The problem is that we don’t always have the privilege of knowing a person’s success. That is why the second best option is the read books written by them. There are a myriad of options available when it comes to the topic about how to achieve success in a business.

One of my favorites is The Power of Focus of Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt. (Canfield, J.;) Hansen, M.V.; Hewitt, l.: The Power of Focus.Health Communications, Inc., USA, 2000.) In this book, three authors together collected 10 points out that any person who wishes to have a successful business should know: 1. create good habits and discard bad habits: one of the greatest enemies that will have is yourself. To succeed, you should strive to grow as a person not only in financial terms, but integrally. We all have good habits and bad habits.

The key is in the habit of changing bad habits. The life of success is a continuous grow. You can only exit where is if you start to do things differently. 2 Focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses: one of the biggest traps for every entrepreneur is the wanting to do it all on their own. The result is inevitable: If the entrepreneur is not delegated, is going to be involved in the daily routine activities that will prevent the development of your business. The problem is that most entrepreneurs are drivers. They believe that anyone can do the job better than them and it costs them to delegate. The solution is not more work, but delegate areas in which one is weak and focus on the things that one does well. 3. Create a balance in his life: many people leave all other areas of his side in undertaking a business life.

One Interview

Exclusive introduction to good, the text below is clearly equal, specified in the profile of this page that I am Coordinator of the Monterrey Anti bullfighting Association, so that my position of bando is anonymous because it is something useless. Anyway, it is clarified that the encounter I had with Fernando opened me the perspective that had about such people. Convivo (literal) daily with people from my side and listen as journal criticizing people like Fernando. I am struck as when with people who convivo calls them: murderers, without heart, wild man, among others, when really this people is nothing more than one more like us, simply with a mind and distinct culture. I would like to clarify that, obviously to be Coordinator I am totally against, and I think it is an act of cruelty, however, never dare to speak ill before you know their reasons. Bullfighters are growing in an environment in which the animal is born for that, and does not therefore mean that they are good or bad, is simple culture. As well as the vote is secret, my position of side stays in anonymity, doing this interview in the most objective way possible. Given the controversy that is handled in these times, it is difficult to consider who your friends are.

We speak of respect every day, but both as bullfighting and anti bullfighting, should understand the position and culture that can be handled in each person. Now, with the word culture I refer, not to say that bullfighting whether or not culture, if not the culture that is handled inside of a social and family circle. Many of the people I’ve met has been on different sides. I’ve known people that respects instead, however I have known people who do not. If a person educated since childhood to brush our teeth, doesn’t mean that big you can not change to because not to do so, but nor does it mean that the fact to do so is entirely negative or positive, action since the actions are measured according to the culture and idioms of the country in which it inhabits.

Powerful Techniques

Each of the people on the planet, can have everything they want. Without exception. No matter how big, distant, expensive, that is. Everything is within the limits. Everything is achievable if we are allowed to the word. Every thing that you see in your universe you’ve created. Both things you think is yours, and the others are his creation.

If you want a House, then you must create. If you want better relations you must create them. If you want to have peace of mind or have knowledge of transcendental things, you must then create that. In his book the secret of the power of goals, Andrew Corentt says that you are a creator and that it is always creating the reality you are seeing every moment of its existence. Corentt explains how you create the universe and how sustains it. With that knowledge, you will learn how to create anything they want in their life. Each of the things in your life is there because you put it there. And it will be there until you decide to remove it from your life.

In addition, Corentt gave the secret the power of goals, powerful techniques you can schedule your life and get everything what you want. Corentt explains that if you want to get something, then, if you apply the techniques in the book, you will get it very quickly. Not only will it get riches in abundance, your health will improve, their spiritual life filled with joy and deep peace. Each of the powerful techniques of the secret of the power of the Metasaportara something valuable to your life. You will become a happy person, prosperous and radiant. You will get everything what you want to, but that will not happen by itself alone. You have to create it, you must schedule your success and your wealth with these powerful techniques. Are you ready to start enjoying a full of successes and wealth?