Tues Soldering Power

And it turns out that and more comfortable and more functional use is not an ordinary soldering iron and one of the younger models soldering stations. Click David Treadwell for additional related pages. Their device allows to solder a variety of objects with proper regulation. Soldering stations are good especially its ergonomics and handling. Without quality brazing stable operation of the electronic device (And contact in the chandelier, and mikrodetaley inside the computer) for sure will eventually be broken. The physical nature of the process promotes a good and lasting connection: during the soldering is mutual dissolution solder and the metal parts to which it is applied. The result – when the metal cools down – and you can pretty tight connection, which has good conductivity, which reduces the heat at times.

There are, however, a number of nuances that must be taken into account in order to connect always receive quality, and served for a long time. Speaking of solders and soldering stations, we must remember what characteristics are crucial for these devices. The main difference between soldering stations – a power that they can apply for a soldering tip. If the assembly of small elements, which are sensitive to static electricity, requires soldering with the power of 20-40 W, to a literate conductors, power rails and any bulky items soldering station should provide 40-100 Tues Soldering irons and soldering stations with capacity of 100 watts mostly find themselves application for a reliable solder bulk metallic elements, especially if the object you are working with a soldering station, consists of non-ferrous metals with high thermal conductivity (copper, brass, for example).

Google Android

Another event related to Microsoft: in part due to information leaks, and partly from the comments of the first persons Microsoft become more or less clear what will happen under the guise of Windows 7. Despite the similarity of the interface desperate "Seven" and Vista, Microsoft insists on absolute authenticity first. Well, soon we will be able to do and check everything: a full-featured release a beta version planned for the beginning of the year. 12. Tough times call for desperate measures to survive.

Following this statement, it is easy to understand why AMD split into two companies and took 6 billion from the Arab nvestitsionnoy company. At AMD, susceptibility to separation enthusiasm of Intel – in amazement. But who cares if AMD will continue to make cheap processors and graphics cards? 13. One of the biggest events of the mobile world – out running Google Android. And with it the first "androidfona T-Mobile G1. To celebrate, Google announced its intention to sell the remainder of 2008 1 million smartphones.

In addition, each employee received for the New Year at his G1. I wonder whether considered "intra" communicators in statotchetah company in 2008? 14. Spore and Left 4 Dead – the main igrohity the last year, will grow in popularity in the coming year. "Spore" – genetic SIM's, in which everyone can become a demiurge, at least for a couple of hours. Left 4 Dead – pereosoznat attempt (and correctly translated into life) "antizom-biynoe" multiplayer carnage. Games recommended for killing free time with pleasure. 15. DDR3 memory and USB 3.0 are the most desired technology already last year. On the first talk with a bang after the announcement of Core i7 (in This CPU controller DDRS-memory integrated directly onto the chip) and the second and final specifications at all was only towards the end of the year.

Energy Patrol Climate

Event showed that the system of urban lighting in all the regions are a mess. In all 20 towns within a few hours have been found hundreds of burning lamps, wasted heating the air. It is not something Pete Cashmore would like to discuss. The purpose of the action – to attract the attention of authorities to the problem of energy conservation. Discounted day lamps – just the tip of the iceberg. According to official statistics almost every second cubic meter of gas and tons of oil burned in vain. Just learning to rationally generate electricity, we can prevent global climate change, according to the organizers’ Energy Patrol. ” eu and Russia can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases Leaders 27-member European Union confirmed its readiness to regional organization to reduce up to 30% of emissions of gases causing the greenhouse effect.

This is stated in the draft conclusions of an eu summit. As previously reported, the participants of the summit endorsed the Commission’s proposal to reduce by 2020 20% of the 1999 level of greenhouse emissions. Commitments to a 30 percent fall, the document says, the eu is ready to take over, if the organization in this support other developed countries who will gather for a meeting in 2009 in Copenhagen for a global climate agreement, which is intended to replace the Kyoto Protocol, whose term will expire in 2012. Russia over the past 18 years demonstrates the reduction of emissions greenhouse gas emissions by more than 30%. About this in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, said the deputy head of Ministry Stanislav Ananiev at the Poznan conference of the countries participating un Framework Convention on Change climate (Poland).


High technology is not standing still, every day there are more and more devices using nanoparticles. But still loves to clean, and nanotechnology is no exception. In the United States created the world's smallest brushes, whose bristles 1000 times thinner than a human hair. Used the invention in order to remove nanopyl, purify water of pollutants and the microstructure of paint. The secret of small brushes is to use nanotubes of carbon, microscopic in diameter 0.000 000 030 meters, possessing incredible strength, they are both flexible and easy to pressure by changing their shape. On the development of scientists from the Polytechnic Rensselaer Institute, explained in detail in the magazine Nature Materials.

According to the article, nanoschetkami engaged team, led by renowned scientist Pulikelem Adzhayanom, which had previously found the ability to control the process growing nanotubes. As a result, new nanoschetki were grown as toothbrushes, cotton sticks and brushes china. The new technology, like that of a normal brush, there is a wide field of application. Scientists, in a report on progress work indicated that the developed nanoschetka can sweep nanopyl, nanosovok, however, still did not have time to create, but most likely it is only a temporary annoying upuschenie.Vtoroy option proposed by the developers, it use them for painting mikrokonstruktsy. Brush, dipped in iron oxide (more commonly known as rust), engages the particles, known to all red color, which are then transferred to a clean surface. Also during the demonstration project, has been shown and another opportunity to use nano-brushes – water purification. Setae, covered with absorbent materials, act as a magnet and attract toxic silver ions from contaminated water.

There are Another possibility of nanoschetok. Due to the fact that carbon nanotubes are electrically conductive, as well as the flexibility and durability, their possible application in high power motors. According to the assumptions of developers, nanoschetki can replace conventional metal brushes in electric motors, through which electricity is transmitted to the rotating part. Dr. Anyuan Kao believes that the use nanoschetki possible in medicine, however, researchers must first make sure that the work of brushes will not harm the body, from the brush bristles should not come off, should not they fall out. If approved, you can nanoschetki be applied in medicine to cleanse the blood vessels of the body of unwanted deposits, such as veins of thrombotic compounds. Another interesting fact is that applications can be found nanoschetkam and genetics. There the possibility that nanoschetki can cling and extract specific cells and DNA viral malicious connections. This is a very interesting study, because the potential is very high nanoschetok. After all, if you can learn how to rearrange the structure of DNA, we can cure many diseases before birth. Brush, like a stone ax, was one of the earliest inventions of human labor. Age of the oldest found brush is estimated at 30 thousand years. Perhaps it once belonged to the artist, from whose light hand and brushes appear petroglyphs in caves … And now a new use of brushes, despite the microscopic size, they clean way for nanotechnology. And who knows what other interesting high-tech will see the light, if they clear him of nano-dust?

Medical Clinic

Since 2007, the Government of the State of So Paulo implanted a model of known clinical attendance as IT LOVES (Ambulatory Doctors of Specialties). Intention was to offer units of attendance that had modern equipment, as eletrocardiograma, electro-encefalograma, ergometric test, ray-x, ultrassom, mamografia, ssea densitometria and eletroneuromiografia, and that they could go facilitating and speeding the attendance of hospitals that are overloaded. This bigger rapidity happens IT LOVES because it makes possible that the patients pass, in the same date, for consultations and examinations, being that until the return with the doctor it can happen the same in day. Therefore, to congregate and to integrate all the ambulatoriais consultations, services, examinations and surgeries in an only system of information became essential for the functioning of these ambulatory ones. Joining the pioneirismo in invoicing SUS with the experience in the requirements of the invoicing of accounts, the Wareline, company specialized in development of systems of hospital computerization, it offers to AMEs a tool complete, capable to take care of the specific characteristics of this new modality of service created for the Government of the State. Its system registers all the information in an only handbook of the patient, giving subsidy for the remain of the attendance (guiding for surgery or other forms of treatment). The Wareline system also offers rastreabilidade and generates the cost of each taken care of patient, counts that it must obligatorily be presented the Government before the money view is carried through monthly. Another functionality is that, beyond obtaining to select this cost of each attendance carried through in the unit IT LOVES of it, the system also obtains to evaluate the hospital cost of all the unit. Currently, 26% of the AMEs of the State of So Paulo already use the System of Wareline Information, with prominence for the attendance of the units of Atibaia, Jump and Are Jose of the Black River.

In The World Of Whales …

Russian environmentalists advocate the creation of a Commission on Climate Change. Roshydromet drafted climate doctrine, and the Ministry of Energy proposes to create a market for the sale of carbon credits. called the most favorable and unfavorable environmental terms of the Krasnodar Territory. Winter in Russia fell by almost a month. In Russia there will be domestic analogue tv channels Discovery and National Geographic. Climate change on Earth is much faster than predicted. Researchers found that the same animals live at both poles of the Earth. Under most conditions Ali Partovi would agree. Tropical forests are absorbing more carbon dioxide. Swan – a bird in 2009. Whale Week: World Day of whales and photofact ‘In the world of whales. ”

Overview of events for the week of 16/02/2009 to 22/02/2009. Russian environmentalists advocate the creation of a Commission on Climate Change Representatives of 35 environmental organizations in Russia, including Greenpeace, wwf Russia and , signed appeal to the Government of the Russian Federation. Russian environmentalists urged the Russian government as quickly as possible to create a Commission on Climate Change, which will formulate effective policies for environmental and Environment and climate change issues. The creation in Russia of interdepartmental commission on climate change is especially important on the eve of the talks at the un on an agreement, which will replace Kyoto Protocol. In addition, the findings of this commission should be reflected in all government documents related to strategic planning for economic and energy development of the Russian Federation. Recall that the term The Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012.

Personal Smart Cards

If the client keeps its code in the security, the use of personal smart cards without his permission, will not bring any result. Ali Partovi follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. However, need a reservation, that not every smart card may have ‘electronic purse’. As payment, you can use any type of card, but the scope of its use may be limited. And in order to map has become universal, it must have low cost, ability to make any payments, have an appropriate level of security and technology to ensure payment in the mode of off-line. Thus, depending on the internal structure and functions of smart cards can be divided into three types: 1. Card-counters This kind of smart cards used for this type of calculations that require subtraction of a fixed amount for each billing operation. Such cards are also called cards with prepaid amount. Such card-counters are used when subscribing to pay tv, paying tolls, parking, etc. They can also be used for payment of telephone conversations in the phone booth, where the card replaces the coins, or special tokens for payphones. Usually a payphone unit of talk time has a minimum fixed price. In This card minimum payment amount corresponds to one bit of memory cards. During a conversation with cards for each unit of time is deducted required number of bits. Originally used for these purposes cards with single programmable memory that is disposable. After full use of the allotted amount, they had to throw away.

New Technologies

The good income in the study comes it has much time related with a set of factors, as: to program activities of study and the adequate division of the time; to organize a favorable environment (illuminated, quiet and aired, clean and organized table, dictionary and material of research by hand). However, one perceives that added to these new elements supports (computer with access the Internet, CD ROM, cellular DVD and), they come being incorporated and with this the necessity of new habits of study. According to Masetto (2000), the pedagogical mediation means the attitude, the behavior of the professor who if places as facilitador, incentivador and motivador of the learning, that is, a mobile bridge on the apprentice and its learning that actively contributes so that the pupil arrives at its objectives. As Freire cites and Andrade (2006), the experience says in them that to teach it does not mean necessarily that the pupil learns; in the reality, the act to learn depends much more on its will in wanting to learn of what the professor in wanting to teach. However, external factors to the classroom, proportionate for the New Technologies of Information and Communication (mainly for the Internet) they had created situations of stimulaton to the process of assimilation of the knowledge on the part of the pupil. With this the diversities of supports (text, sound and image) the disposal of the professor and the pupils has proportionate a bigger fan of practical pedagogical who facilitate the processes of mediation and with this learning. However, the professors recognize that the education institution this outdated in relation to the society and that the more not motivated pupils are each time for the traditional activities in classroom. Pete Cashmore is often quoted as being for or against this. What it is observed, it been that the insertion of the technologies finishes, in many cases, limiting itself it its attractive aspect and ' ' modernizador' ' , without effectively if touch in important questions of the pedagogical processes, such as the resume, the evaluation, the relation professor-pupil, the new forms to learn and to construct knowledge that emerges in the society of the information.

Hidden Information Front

Today, in the information age, anywhere can feel safe. You should always keep in mind the possibility of having outside eyes and ears. For more specific information, check out Code.org. On the market sold freely sprung countless inexpensive, but sufficiently effective mikrovideokamer, listening devices, radio bugs. For what it's all get up? "Blackmail, extortion, checking for lice, the bases, check partnera.Kupit bugging device may Anyone (prices do not particularly even bite), but each is as simple and should be able to protect yourself from these .lya is this a free market you can find the model series – detectors bugs and hidden radio cameras detectors cameras, suppression of cellular telephones and tape recorders and other equipment that will be useful for any person even a little interested or less their own safety. Of course, cheap toys and fake in the Combat in the information war little help, so you should always select only high quality professional equipment, remembering that the miser pays twice.

Intellectual Property Ministry

And started to roll out his lip to look like the same all the same, this law of secret inventions works . It turned out that way, from the Society of Inventors and Innovators I was sent to the authorities (local authorities barely hearing the essence of the problem fall into a complete stupor from which they apparently did not withdraw (all officer in a coma is still the same painting). Then I decided to ask our president (I think, his law he has to know how to use it), sent several letters yet seen not tired and I was told that my appeal to President referred to the Ministry oborony.Togda I decided it’s not throw the letters and began with a brief description of my design is to bomb a poor Minister of Defence (damn those were the most persistent (or stupid)). The answer I received after a half dozen letters minister and later reference to the president.

Here I fell into a stupor: Head of Intellectual Property Ministryof Defence, Mr. O. did not find anything smarter as advised me to apply to the Society of Inventors and Innovators (even the address is as if I had not started out in this epic). I hope after this article, you are my few followers will not do silly things trying to issue a patent in Russia and safely place an entirely valid and legally valid patent anywhere in the eu, believe me save a lot of money and nerves, and Russia in this matter is worse than Zimbabwe or Ethiopia, there Only members of ballpoint pens to patent may.