Bard System

Subsequent works demonstrate that to the theories proposals since the times of James, Lange, Canon and Bard, have its mritos, therefore in the prediction of the theory of Cannon, although the fear and the anger to have different answers estam associates for having distinguveis physiological answers, although to activate Sistema Neurovegetativo (SNV). In studies with adult men with injury in the marrow, it found reductions told in the emotional experiences, this result can be used to reviver the theory of James (BEAR, 2002). The term lmbico system was popularido in the year of 1952, for the American fisiologista Paul MacLean. In the half of century XIX and beginning of century XX, the relations between the body and the mind had started to be investigated by the Philosophy, Psychology, the Psychoanalysis and Biology, where the interest came back toward the related cognitivos processes to the mental processes, connected the memory, reasoning and learning (IT HISSES, 2010). With the development of new techniques of research in neurofisiologia and neuroimagem, it was more interesting the neural studies in the processes of the emotions in the Lmbico System, as well as in the recognition of the areas related to the process of the cognition, motivation and memory.

According to author HISSES (2010, p.387) ' ' ademais, the emotions generally are folloied by autonmicas, endcrinas answers and motor esquelticas, that depend on subcorticais areas of the Nervous System, which prepare the body for ao.' ' 2. NEUROANATOMIA AND NEUROFISIOLOGIA OF SYSTEM LMBICO the lmbico system is formed by pertaining structures the cortical and subcortical region, by some nervous nuclei and nervous connections that establish connection the structures; repeating the same hipotalmicas functions with the difference of the same ones to be more elaborated e, to suffer action from neocrtex. The French neurologist Paul Drill, published an article in the year of 1878, where it assigned that the collection of found cortical areas in the medial surface of the brain, as being lmbico system, therefore they around form an edge of the enceflico trunk.

It Fights Wrinkles And Stria With Oil De Borraja

With characteristics very similar to the Mosqueta Rose, we found the Borago officinalis, a plant of Mediterranean origin with presence in Spain and that, commonly denominates Borraja. This plant is characterized by starred flowers of a blue color, and is considered as a plant with emollient and protective properties, anti-inflammatory and also diurtico effect. With his seeds it is come to the extraction (1 pressure in cold) of his essential fatty acid oil, rich as it is it the gammalinolnico and the linolnico acid. Both acids are precursory of the phospholipids that form cellular membranes of the skin. For this reason, when the oil is taken by oral route is able to fight the cutaneous drying, improving the hydration of the skin and favoring that this one present a smoother and nourished state along with an pleasant aspect. The oil of Borraja is used for a long time to prevent the formation with wrinkles due to that improvement in the smoothness and firmness of the skin. Thanks to these properties also its application can be located in the striae, but its use must be to regulate. Where I can find Oil of Borraja in Spain? This oil, can be only like so or associated to other active principles or extracts like the oil of Onagra with another functionality (since we have commented previously it owns effects antiinflammatories and diurticos).

If our objective is centered in the skin, we must consider and to inform coverall to us in the percentage into gammalinolnico acid (% GLA) that takes the product. Its effectiveness will increase as it increases that percentage. Only Oil: Oil of Borraja 280mg of oil of seeds. Laboratories Arkochim.Aceite de Borraja 1000mg 60 capsular. Lab.

NutrinatAceite de Borraja 120 Rep them. Lab. The ValleAc. Pure Borraja GLA 220mg. Lab. LambertsAge Borraja Extra 45 and 90 capsules. Golden Delicious GreenBorage Oil 30 Rep them. Lab. Nature” s PlusBorraja 500 100 mgs Rep them. Lab. YnsadietAceite Borraja 200 capsules. Lab. FeniouxBorraja 50 liquid capsules. Lab. VitalfarmKoemil Borraja 100 Rep them. Lab. Naturlife Combined with other principles and/or extracts: CDC-4 Dolobel. Lab.QuimiplasHerbocentro Lab. ACPGHerbosistem Lab.ACPGHerbotisa Lab.ACPGNaturaler Lab.ACPGAceite Onagra+Borraja 250mg/250mg Lab. ValleGED 3+6 Extra ( pescado+vit. E) Lab.Abamed FarmGLA 180 softgels (250/250 Borraja+Onagra). Lab.CFNKoemil Onagra+Borraja 120 Rep them. Lab. NaturlifeOmega3 6-Acti Oleo Salmn+ Borraja. Lab.TongilOmega 6+Onagra+Borraja 100 up to 450 Rep them. Lab. ArtesaniOnagra+Borraja 180 Rep them. Lab. Sakai Which is the rank of prices of these products? The price, evidently, is going to depend on n of Rep them or capsules, % of GLA and if the product is combined or no. In 100 package of 80 or Rep them or capsules just by oil of borraja usually is between the 8 and 15 EUR. As %GLA increases, we can find products between 16 and 30 EUR. combinations with Onagra, oil of salmon or vitamins are most expensive, being able to arrive until the 60 EUR.


How much bigger the number of hidroxilas in the one structure flavonide, greater is its antirust activity. This is a factor that can be explored in the elaboration of a new frmaco (JOHANN, 2003). Flavonides blocks the chains of oxidativas reactions, when donating a H+ ion to the free radical, forming a steady radical (LUZIA; JORGE, 2009). With the reduction of these harmful agents, the organism does not develop degenerative illnesses as the peptic ulcer (RODRIGUES et al., 2008). Beyond flavonides, the fruits of the Citrus sort spp. they present in its essential oil metablitos, as the Limoneno, – pinemo (ROZZA, 2009) and – mirceno that they act of different forms in gastroproteo (BONAMIN, 2010). 2. OBJECTIVE 2.1.

General objectives Through revision of literature, the present objective study the vegetal composite use with therapeutical potential for the treatment of peptic ulcer. 2.2. Specific objectives To demonstrate new a therapeutical one for the peptic ulcer, through the job of fruits of the Ctrus sort spp. that it presents constituent with powerful antiulcerognica activity. 3. DEVELOPMENT 3.1.

Gastric acid secretion mechanisms the stomach is coated by composed the gastric mucosa, antrais fabric for oxnticas glands and glands. The oxnticas glands are formed by parietais cells (secretoras of acid clordrico), main cells D (secretoras of somatostatina), cells enterocromafins (ECF) (secretoras of histamina) and cells (secretoras of pepsinognio). The antrais glands are constituted of the same cellular type of the oxnticas glands, except the parietais cells (RODRIGUES, 2008). The secretions of the epithelial, parietais and main cells mucous, form the gastric juice. Cells G secretam in the sanguineous chain the gastrina hormone. The gastrina relaxes the pilrico sphincter, increases the gastintestinal motilidade and stimulates the secretion of acid clordrico (TORTORA, 2000). The parietais cells secretam acid clordrico through nervous and hormonais mechanisms. Stimulatons as vision, palate, olfato and the distenso of the musculatura of the stomach for the food presence, stimulate the release of acetilcolina (Ach) for the vacant nerve in the fabric gastric (BLACKSMITH, 2005).