Shakespeare Sonnet

But I believe that the best words were composed in honor of a smaller god! A. Finkel posovestlivey, but because it looks a little fuzzy fig: When and really old everything under the sun, And things usually and habitually, how pathetic mind deceived human, born of an effort to give birth again! Oh, if only to return even for a moment For a thousand solstice at once and find your way amidst the ancient books, where the idea for the first time the letter appeared to the eye. Then I found out b as in the olden days they were astonished at the miracle of your events, such eh we, Or better than them, Or the world lives without knowing the changes. But I'm sure – the minds of the old days not so worthy of glory that we are! For those who want to see in This sonnet is something else, meaning it can be passed to the next rhymed translation: Kohl new under the sun, these do not, Confessions of joy we were not destined for his Invention, will find in the dark years, and she really someone born before. Was used such record that used in the instant Ages to five years ago and immediately transferred me your image has identified broad antique books, From the moment I became a mature mind! I would have known what he thought about the miracle of the world then thy neighbor as music composition. We are ahead, or they, Or, as ever, All around is, without a change? But I'm sure the wise men of old were famous for their diligence meager plots. The meaning of "invention" and other words of the sonnet has been solved by the author in another article, so here it is possible limited to pointing out that the contents of the Inventions Shakespeare sonnet pointed directly at 91.

And is this content is nothing but a true understanding of that (under stress) in the overall (general) is the man. It is this understanding had Shakespeare mean when he wrote Sonnet 26: I want to invest in your thoughts Your foundation is currently good conceit. And that it was referring to Shakespeare, when his will to readers, written by him in the play "Henry VIII, put the following lines, which translation shamelessly distorted B. Tomaszewski: Our content Is our best having. Our (internal) content there are our best property. (Author's translation) In other words, for any wealth, including knowledge, officers, words, etc., people poor, if the soul in a true understanding of that (under stress) in general is a man, in fact, not a fig. In Shakespeare, as in the sonnets that understanding human nature is.

And it can see everyone, even mutilated translations, unless he want to see it. It is for these people in the key of W. Shakespeare Sonnet 59, referring to his predecessors, did not write about poets, painters or sculptors, and even on some minds, as written conscientious A. Finkel, namely wits – sages. "