Adobe InDesign Suite

InterRed supports DPS functionalities of the new Adobe Creative Suite 6. The long-standing partnership of the two companies is continuing therefore also in the further convergence of the systems. The connection of CS 6 and the simultaneous support of the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, enables in particular the efficient production of dynamic, digital content for mobile (Tablet) devices directly from the editorial system. Digital Publishing Suite and InterRed: Adobe offers extensive possibilities for easy creation and publication of brand-oriented, free designed with the capabilities of InDesign and the print layout oriented app editions Tablet editions with InDesign with Digital Publishing Suite (DPS). The bi-directional connection to InterRed enables the operation of a further additional output channel with simultaneous consistent data storage. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Ali Partovi. Publishers, media companies and publishers develop”their content and assets in InterRed and refine these then media-friendly in Adobe InDesign. Publications will be for different output devices, it is allows for the iPad, Android-based or other, supported by DPS tablet devices. The delivery of dynamic content for Tablet users includes numerous areas of application.

So easy access to advanced videos, audios, and content can be the users of the apps. This leads on the one hand to obtain new, additional readers on the Tablet, on the other hand the loyalty of existing customers. And all that without altering existing workflows: existing workflow in newsrooms continues to endure. The multi channel publishing system InterRed allows also the convenient management and creating content for mobile spending in addition to print and online. Of course the familiar automation, such as automatic generation of meta tags, workflow optimization and controlling available ways continue. Long term technology partnership for essential editorial software InterRed. long-time technology partner of Adobe, has the ability in the browser as well as in InDesign or InCopy to editorial content and to make with the same name, browser-based content management system of the Creative Suite 2.

“” Both content from layout “as also layout from content” are supported here. The new version 6 of Adobe Creative Suite and its connection to InterRed thus represent the next logical step of cooperation of both systems.


The sequence of operations of disassembly and assembly is given in the instruction manual (sheet) IIP and other factory documentation. By working with hydraulic MPI allowed electricians way at least the third category. Qualified personnel must know and have been successfully tested in the knowledge of regulations and policy documents for the production of track works and appropriate safety precautions (see Chapter 19), as well as documents: Safety requirements when working with oils according to GOST 20799-85, GOST 122086-85 “Hydraulic systems and bulk lubricants. General safety requirements for installation and operation “, passports and instructions (guidelines) on operation of the IIP and their special non-embedded units: manual and motorized pumps, electric motors, internal combustion engines, control and distribution equipment, appliances, etc. Installation, movement during the operation and dismantling of heavy shifter and motorized pumps to be using up-and-vehicles. Prohibited: MPI and exploit faulty pumps (Hydraulic); connect and disconnect hydraulic pump to the MPI in the presence of pressure in the latter; smoke or use open flames near the hydraulic; connect with the hydraulic motor to the mains with no neutral, neutral and earth wires; adjust and repair hydraulic under load (pressure); to work with on a raised MPI element path (load) without safety harnesses pads; strike on hydraulic machines under pressure; MPI leave with raised load without supervision; no special equipment to regulate the safety valve, as well as all other nodes with springs; increase the level of rolling course IIP ukazannogo’v more technical documentation, and designated a number of risk MPI (and other signs); raise in the process of hydraulic pressure in the hydraulic system above the maximum specified in the technical documentation; have the legs to place the possible fall cargo in ballast (feet should be at a safe distance from the track panel); be in the area of possible ejection from the jet pump oil under pressure during the activation of an emergency valve (It should protect the face and especially eyes); work with oils without special gloves or ointments to protect bare hands; get to work to guard the venue signals established order and take the signals to the full completion of the work; special prohibitions listed in the instruction manual hydraulic..

Digitize Photos, Slides, Negatives

How and why digitized old photos, negatives, and slides are not old photos, slides or negatives can memories that are rarely brought out who rests at home. There are good reasons to digitize these old pictures. Why digitize? Analog photographic material is susceptible to deterioration over time. Negatives, slides, and photos fade and can change colour due to chemical reactions. Also they are exposed mechanical influences by the viewing, which can lead to scratches or cracks. There is the danger that no spare parts/devices more can be purchased defects existing playback devices. Disasters (E.g. House fire, flooding) threatens consequences of suboptimal storage (mould on pictures in photo albums), as well as the total loss of the own collection.

In contrast, digital material suffers no loss of quality due to storage and viewing. Keeping multiple copies of his paintings can be achieved simply, because digital material can be any copied and distributed. In addition opens up new possibilities. Digital images can be distributed looked at as well as email, facebook, flickr, youtube, etc. Pete Cashmore often says this. on PCs and TVs to friends. Posters can be made of the digital material also in turn and create photo albums. Seeking certain images and their sorting will be simplified.

Companies such as e.g. publishers want to digitize older issues of magazines, to make the contents searchable and accessible on the Internet. How to digitize? Digitizing you can either carry out themselves or perform a digitisation service. People such as Marc Mathieu would likely agree. Even digitize who wants his photos, slides, or negatives even digitizing, the appropriate technology required at first. The reading of relevant test reports worth it. You may need a device that is also suitable for scanning negatives and slides, and no conventional standard scanner. Here is quality, to invest rather a bit more, because differences in quality in the scanned Images are recognizable even to the layman. Subsequent reworking of the scans is a must for good digitization results.