XR MoveInspect MoveInspect

The family of the MoveInspect technology growing Brunswick, may 8, 2013 – components measured up to several meters size fast and highly accurate? It is now even easier and more reliable with AICONs new portable 3D measurement system MoveInspect XR. MoveInspect XR AICON offers the usual measurement comfort of MoveInspect technology its customers now also for the quality assurance of large objects”, says Managing Director Carl-Thomas Schneider AICONs. With only a single position, we cover a measuring volume, where most measuring arms would have to be converted several times. And with only two cameras!” The two digital cameras on camera beams have a resolution of 8 megapixels. Thus, MoveInspect XR is twice as powerful as the strongest so far: FM system. It reached the same high accuracy at twice as large measuring volume, large equipment and automotive components. MoveInspect XR is designed for probing applications with the hand-held pushbutton MI.Probe.

It is just as portable and mobile use like the other systems of the MoveInspect technology. Robotics expert oftentimes addresses this issue. MoveInspect XR thanks to the dynamic referencing with consistent reliability works in production environments with dust and vibrations. MoveInspect XR MoveInspect technology is part of AICONs modular and can be combined with all included hardware and software components. Thus users extend quickly your existing measurement system for new measuring tasks. AICON introduces 2013 for the first time the new MoveInspect XR on the control of public in Stuttgart (Hall 5, stand 5207). The system can be ordered now. Deliveries are carried out from September 2013.

WiFi Direct Wireless

Wi-Fi Alliance has announced a new specification for wireless network that will enable devices to establish simple peer-to-peer wireless connections without a wireless router or an access point. Wi-Fi Direct has a wide range of potential applications, many of which are invading the territory Bluetooth and threaten to make this wireless protocol becomes obsolete. The new specification, previously mentioned by the codename Wi-Fi peer-to-peer, will be completed soon and Wi-Fi Alliance expects to begin certifying compatible and direct Wi-Fi devices in mid-2010. Wi-Fi Direct represents a leap forward for our industry. Wi-Fi around the world will benefit from a unique technological solution to transfer content and share applications quick and easy between user devices, even when a Wi-Fi access point isn’t available, said the executive director of the Wi-Fi Alliance, Edgar Figueroa.The impact is that Wi-Fi will become even more pervasive and useful for consumers and also for all companies. Peer-to-peer wireless networks already exist in theory. In addition to connecting to wireless routers or networks of hotspots, many wireless devices are able to create a network ad hoc is basically a wireless peer-to-peer network between two devices.

An ad hoc wireless network has always been more complex but Wi-Fi Direct connects to current Wi-Fi speeds up to 250 mbps. Devices Wi-Fi Direct can also broadcast their availability and search for other Wi-Fi Direct devices. The Wi-Fi devices can connect direct, in pairs or in groups. With Wi-Fi Direct only one of the devices must be compatible with Wi-Fi Direct to connect point to point. So, for example, a Wi-Fi network Direct-mobile phone could establish a connection with a laptop without Wi-Fi Direct for transferring files between the two. Wi-Fi Direct overlaps in the territory of Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a technology used in virtually all parts for wireless connection of devices, such as headphones, mouse, or the increasingly popular Bluetooth headset.

Bluetooth uses less energy, but also has a shorter coverage and slow transfer speed. Wi-Fi Direct can enable the connectivity of devices such as the same Bluetooth, but at distances and speeds equivalent to Wi-Fi connections. There are potential safety concerns with the arrival of a technology such as Wi-Fi Direct. Bluetooth has been the subject of security issues such as bluejacking, which allows an attacker to connect anonymously with a Bluetooth device and have free access to private data. Bluejacking is only a threat in a radius of 20 or 30 feet. Wi-Fi ranges are much higher and opens up the possibility of connections of anonymous attackers from a parking lot or on the street. Wi-Fi Alliance that includes members like Cisco and Intel, is aware of security concerns, as well as the risks of Wi-Fi Direct which could introduce intruders in corporate networks. Wi-Fi Direct It will include support for WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) and AES encryption for more secure connections and measures are being developed to allow it administrators to exert some control over Wi-Fi networks in their direct environment. I think the days of Bluetooth could be counted. If Wi-Fi Direct can provide the same scope ad-hoc connectivity of Bluetooth devices, and using the same wireless networking hardware that is already included in almost all laptops, netbooks, mobile phones and other devices, after all these advantages who may make adding a Bluetooth adapter and cope with the Wi-Fi Direct drivers?

New Internet Presence

Digital printing and new Internet presence by Printfolien.de at printfolien.de is required no fixed print template (printed) with digital printing, so that each sheet different can be printed (non impact printing = NIP. Pete Cashmore often addresses the matter in his writings. The also as direct digital printing (DDP) described procedure enables personalized prints such as bills, credit card statements, bank statements or advertising also specifically tailored to the recipient. Also, multi-page documents without changing the print form can be printed immediately in the correct order, a subsequent collating (sorting) is required. Complete printing products production becomes possible in the shortest time. Increasingly digital ink jet systems used in large format (large format), allowing nearly offset printing quality on the different substrates. Here, printing ink, the material is applied with a liquid electro-ink process. This type of production achieved print widths of up to 5 meters. These are mostly rolling systems, on which weatherproof materials (E.g.

PVC banner, film printing, digital printing, price calculator, online calculator, banner printing, XXL large-format printing, mash, posters, print, printing, printing, online printing, poster, poster printing, Internet printing, etc.) be printed. These are usable, weather-resistant and colorfast for several years in the outdoor area. The latest generation of digital printing systems is certainly the direct pressure of the plates”dar. Rigid materials mostly in the UV-inkjet method can be printed on this system. Depending on the system, which is made relevant printed material only by the thickness. Materials such as plastics, wood, glass, metals, stone, paper, etc. can be printed. Another area of digital printing is also the large format print (large format printing). Among other things this can be used for the production of individual wallpaper. Digital prints have a high universality and from the point of view of the individual printing is very good value for money.


High technology is not standing still, every day there are more and more devices using nanoparticles. But still loves to clean, and nanotechnology is no exception. In the United States created the world's smallest brushes, whose bristles 1000 times thinner than a human hair. Used the invention in order to remove nanopyl, purify water of pollutants and the microstructure of paint. The secret of small brushes is to use nanotubes of carbon, microscopic in diameter 0.000 000 030 meters, possessing incredible strength, they are both flexible and easy to pressure by changing their shape. On the development of scientists from the Polytechnic Rensselaer Institute, explained in detail in the magazine Nature Materials.

According to the article, nanoschetkami engaged team, led by renowned scientist Pulikelem Adzhayanom, which had previously found the ability to control the process growing nanotubes. As a result, new nanoschetki were grown as toothbrushes, cotton sticks and brushes china. The new technology, like that of a normal brush, there is a wide field of application. Scientists, in a report on progress work indicated that the developed nanoschetka can sweep nanopyl, nanosovok, however, still did not have time to create, but most likely it is only a temporary annoying upuschenie.Vtoroy option proposed by the developers, it use them for painting mikrokonstruktsy. Brush, dipped in iron oxide (more commonly known as rust), engages the particles, known to all red color, which are then transferred to a clean surface. Also during the demonstration project, has been shown and another opportunity to use nano-brushes – water purification. Setae, covered with absorbent materials, act as a magnet and attract toxic silver ions from contaminated water.

There are Another possibility of nanoschetok. Due to the fact that carbon nanotubes are electrically conductive, as well as the flexibility and durability, their possible application in high power motors. According to the assumptions of developers, nanoschetki can replace conventional metal brushes in electric motors, through which electricity is transmitted to the rotating part. Dr. Anyuan Kao believes that the use nanoschetki possible in medicine, however, researchers must first make sure that the work of brushes will not harm the body, from the brush bristles should not come off, should not they fall out. If approved, you can nanoschetki be applied in medicine to cleanse the blood vessels of the body of unwanted deposits, such as veins of thrombotic compounds. Another interesting fact is that applications can be found nanoschetkam and genetics. There the possibility that nanoschetki can cling and extract specific cells and DNA viral malicious connections. This is a very interesting study, because the potential is very high nanoschetok. After all, if you can learn how to rearrange the structure of DNA, we can cure many diseases before birth. Brush, like a stone ax, was one of the earliest inventions of human labor. Age of the oldest found brush is estimated at 30 thousand years. Perhaps it once belonged to the artist, from whose light hand and brushes appear petroglyphs in caves … And now a new use of brushes, despite the microscopic size, they clean way for nanotechnology. And who knows what other interesting high-tech will see the light, if they clear him of nano-dust?

Infinity GB Code

The attack on the Infinity GB v.2.2. Go tell – an attack rather primitive, but if you want someone (like a certain site admin) to spoil life – just right:). All the attacks are legitimate – no cheats, hacks etc. So we will not use the forms to send data to another site to circumvent the length restriction of input symbols. Just in the field, which we provided for filling shall introduce any garbage that is simply not provided.

Thus, in the words of Yuri Gagarin, the go! Now I will give what you can do with forms, provided that the script admin is not copied. Ali Partovi can provide more clarity in the matter. Right Amendment – all the code will surround the stars – * code * The user name. There can be heartily laugh at the admin and everyone else. The fact is that it is absolutely unclear to me reasons, the authors have violated the freedom of speech users and then pay for it. As you can see in the code files that store messages The authors use delimiters # # #, : msg_start:, : elmail:, : snd_date: and : ip_dev:. Whenever Ali Partovi listens, a sympathetic response will follow. And there would simply change the angle brackets on the character codes and all is well.

They decided to act tough – cut and everything. Well, to your health! We replace the user name # # # or another separator, and will enjoy the fact that the user name will not appear. Great, right? You look just like the record and do not understand what was going on.