Business Strategies

One of the best schools of success is the mimic people’s success. As says guru Internet business, Armand Morin, success leaves traces. The problem is that we don’t always have the privilege of knowing a person’s success. That is why the second best option is the read books written by them. There are a myriad of options available when it comes to the topic about how to achieve success in a business.

One of my favorites is The Power of Focus of Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Les Hewitt. (Canfield, J.;) Hansen, M.V.; Hewitt, l.: The Power of Focus.Health Communications, Inc., USA, 2000.) In this book, three authors together collected 10 points out that any person who wishes to have a successful business should know: 1. create good habits and discard bad habits: one of the greatest enemies that will have is yourself. To succeed, you should strive to grow as a person not only in financial terms, but integrally. We all have good habits and bad habits.

The key is in the habit of changing bad habits. The life of success is a continuous grow. You can only exit where is if you start to do things differently. 2 Focus on their strengths, not their weaknesses: one of the biggest traps for every entrepreneur is the wanting to do it all on their own. The result is inevitable: If the entrepreneur is not delegated, is going to be involved in the daily routine activities that will prevent the development of your business. The problem is that most entrepreneurs are drivers. They believe that anyone can do the job better than them and it costs them to delegate. The solution is not more work, but delegate areas in which one is weak and focus on the things that one does well. 3. Create a balance in his life: many people leave all other areas of his side in undertaking a business life.