
That is, it is not worried if you have or money not to pay the account. It does not want nor to know if an attitude its would magoaria or not somebody, it searchs rewards only it, the momentnea sensation of saciedade physical, or emotional. It swims moreover. But what it happens when all other information are hidden by a desire of immediate satisfaction? A person who insults another person saw sites of relationship in the Internet rewards searchs it to feel themselves well, or superior imagines, or avenged a family head Imagines who purchase a very expensive car and unnecessary searching to be able, social approval, etc. Imagine an adolescent who wants because she wants the last cellular model of because of it she does not function, but not impressing the friends. A mother imagines who cries out with the children, therefore crying out calms to it Knowing as it functions we can try to control these desires and this system of you reward, at least we will think two times before committing a madness any. Our brain functions quantum, that is, many information are processed in diverse areas simultaneously and if one may use the expression in the Neurolingustica, when it has confusion or indetermination we are progressing, therefore already we have all the information, now is enough to organize them. (To correct this mount of desires that does not have end, and not in them they lead to no place, only has a way: it visits:)

Tourist Information

Summary: The ranks of tourist information (PIT? s) are units of information destined to the attendance to the tourist and are basic for the tourist system. This article presents a exploratrio study that had as analysis the PIT? s of Aracaju managed by the EMSETUR with the objective to improve the hospitality in the tourist destination through this so important component in the tourist system. In order to reach the considered objective we adopt as metodolgica base the bibliographical survey focusing the main authors who work excellent subjects for this research, as for example, hospitality and the importance of the information for the development of the hospitality in the tourist product. Later, we analyze the PIT? s from interviews carried through with the attendants of the ranks and also with the study of the project of the ranks of tourist information of the Company Sergipana de Turismo. After the analysis, had been elaborated some suggestions with the objective to contribute for the development of the tourist product to break of the improvement of the infrastructure of the ranks as well as in the quality of the given service the visitors. Word-key: Ranks of information. Hospitality. Tourist system.

Introduction To make tourism is an aspiration of great part of the world-wide population, in order to dislocate themselves and to run away from the habitual routine, over all, from the period postwar period that was marked by a transformation in the consumption standard, due to regulation of the work and the conquests of the man in what the reduction in the hours of working, the time of recess, the remunerated vacations, the retirement and the social legislation says respect. Thus, the work and leisure had started to be right of all (SAINTS, 2010). Leaving of these estimated, more time is perceived that with the reduction of the hours of working, the man started to have more free time, consequently to dedicate the leisure to it.

ABC Methodology

The ABC is a methodology of expenditure that it looks to identify the available resources in the organization it associates and them, through generators of costs (' ' cost-drivers' ' or direcionadores of cost) primary, to the executed activities. After that, these activities are associates to other activities or the objects of cost through secondary generators of cost. Objects of cost constitute the products, the customers, the markets or any another internal or external entity to the company whom activities consume and that they generate costs and/or prescriptions. As examples we can cite an enterprise event that demand multi-functional resources and recursividade of activities as it is the case of the sales of a product. This event requires the execution of the following main activities: identification and conquest of the customer, contact and act of contract of the sales, identification of the availability of products, emission of the order of sales, preparation of the product and packing, expedition and transport of the product, emission of the forma bill of sale and collection of the customer, act of receiving of the invoice, assistance technique to the customer and guarantees of the product.

As we can notice some departments are involved in one same event, that in the case is the marketing departments, sales, expedition, financier, production, logistic and assistance technique. Another complicador says respect to the secular effect, therefore a current event involves activities today many developed times, activities already developed in previous months and activities to be developed in following months. How to make to analyze if this event brought or yield for the company if the system of current cost is not based on regimen of ability of exercises and, therefore he is rigid how much to the temporality of the costs? Therefore, the traditional system of costs in the current patterns is not guided to the functional analysis of costs and the budgetary accompaniment for center of costs of what to the analyses for taking of strategical and operational decisions.