Metal Casting

The best technology end of the 20th century, improving, stayut firmly on an industrial basis, provide income and attract investment in new production, determining its competitiveness. Metallurgical processing of metals and Foundry post-Soviet space have a long tradition and solid engineering experience. Russia and Ukraine at the end of the second millennium is a leader in the production of metal castings and per capita population. Now casting production decreased by several times. Are rare scientific and technical institutions, which have retained engineering achievements, experience in implementation of competitive technologies, from design and manufacture of foundry equipment prior to delivery of home equipment to the customer with a turnkey implementation of the commissioning and development of the technology in production.

Among developed in recent decades technology in the foundry business is gaining popularity convenient technology, where a model casting means already half a casting itself. Model castings are made from expanded polystyrene, commonly called the most foam. It turns out, such as packaging of a TV, or single food dish, which have become part of our everyday life, their stamp on millions of machines and plates of polystyrene insulated exterior walls of high-rise buildings. Expanded polystyrene is to hard foams (such as bread, for example), which in physical chemistry is defined as the dispersion of gas in a solid, or more precisely, the cell-film dispersion system. In our case, the matrix is polystyrene and dispersed ("crushed" and "scattered") gas. On a similar technology (as in the production of packaging) for a series of casting models produce blowing powdered polystyrene in lightweight aluminum mold (very simple to manufacture and often multi-seat), followed by foaming and bonding of granules during the heating of molds up to 1200 C.


In this way, some occupations, depending on this dynamics, can serestratificadas together in way that when evidenced they represent a nicaocupao. For Binford (1992), the guarantee of an accomplished understanding passed is related to the agreement of the dynamic that involve aformao of the archaeological register, over all, of that it forms if they reveal. Paratanto if makes necessary: Study on the process of formation of the archaeological register and as this it reflects the paper and its performances in the organization of the past, in general way: a) understanding of the sedimentation levels and erosion; b) geomorfologia; c) processes after-deposicionais; By means of this examination, to infer on the variability in synchronous and diacrnicas dimensions. The component small farms of a nesting system, therefore, are not similar inside of the organizacionais contexts where fazemparte, many times I content technological inventories distinct, that is, presenting joint artefatuais and distributions, structures and dimensesdiferenciadas; however being considered complementary. Soon, guardianship devices, for example, can be maisbem represented in a small farm, while in others the expeditos are more common; combustion structures can occur with more frequency and in desiguaisorganizaes; different types and distribution of faunsticos remaining portions soesperados in the small farm base and the station of hunting, thus for ahead. Therefore, many important points are indicated in seutexto, between which: That to understand passed it is inherent to the understanding of the places, that is, of the landscape; That if it must understand the deposicionais processes of an area and, before everything, that does not exist relation between the deposicionais episodes and the cultural system (at least in part); It has differences between the small farm base and locations of specific of organizacional order, possible activities of recognition it saw register archaeological; The biogeogrficas characteristics influence the use standard of the small farm base; That different small farms, also with diversified technological inventory, can occur in one same area; That mobility confers different uses in the landscape (cultural geography).

AetExpress Railroad Transportation Company

Rail freight are governed by a set of rules. People such as Ali Partovi would likely agree. Before the implementation of rail freight between the freight forwarding company and the customer shall be drawn up contract. 1. Transportation company undertakes on his own behalf that the carriage of goods by rail will be implemented. The transport company is committed to also perform or arrange for execution certain other services related to the transport of goods. 2.

The transport company is taking to rail transport goods or goods with a declared value of the customer equal to the sum insured. Declared Value, equal to the insured value shall not exceed the actual value of the goods, or goods specified in the shipping documents. Insurance amount – the amount by which the cargo is insured in the insurance contract and, based on which, the amount of payment for insurance and indemnity. 3. Upon delivery of the cargo transport company to the customer select the exact name of the goods or the goods, type of packaging and the special properties of the goods or goods, as well as address and telephone number the customer and the consignee or the goods. Add to your understanding with Samsung Electronics. 4. The number of seats, weight and cargo volume are determined by the transport company and the customer when you receive goods or goods for railway transportation.

5. Customer need to pass a transport company, all documents required in accordance with the sanitary, quarantine or other rules. Transport company can competently carry out the inspection of these documents the accuracy and adequacy of these documents. 6. The customer is responsible for the accuracy of related goods or product information stated in the shipping documents. Customer is responsible for the harm caused transportation company or other person to whom the customer is responsible, because of the irregularity, incorrectness or incompleteness of information relating to the goods or commodities. This rule applies when transporting oversized loads rail. 7. For loss, shortage, damage or goods transport company is responsible from the moment of receipt of the goods or goods for rail transportation and delivery to the recipient on grounds and in accordance with the amount of this contract. With the loss of cargo or goods to the customer reimbursed actual damages within the declared value of the goods or merchandise, and when shortages, damaged – proportionally to this value. 8. Responsibility of the transport company for breach of an obligation does not occur if there was breach of an obligation due to force majeure, that is, force-majeure circumstances. 9. The customer is obliged to notify the recipient of the arrival of the goods or the goods, unload, or provide goods or cargo handling at the destination station within a day from the time of wagons for unloading. 10. The fee for storage of goods or merchandise for over 15 calendar days may be increased to three times the size.

Straight Tread

Twice the height of risers and width b tread a must be equal to the average person step – 2b + a = 57-64 cm is sometimes used by more than a simple calculation, the amount by which the size of the width of the treads and risers of height c must be equal to 45 cm (30 +15, 27 +18, 25 +20), ie c = a + b = 45-46 cm stairs with his hands, made on such a calculation is considered the most secure, and the formula, of course, by security. Many are so-called formula of facilities, ab = 12 cm in practice to sustain this relationship in the real world is not always possible. But we should at least strive for perfection. Let's count? To select the width Tread use an example. When descending the stairs adult puts his foot so that the toe hangs over the rounded front part of the tread. If the overhang is small, the level considered safe and what is level, the higher the risk of slipping off her. In practice, it is clear that the width of the tread are best taken within 28-30 cm, but not menee25.

The height of the risers to make better ot14 to 17 cm but not exceeding 20 cm If you do not allow for the size in terms of increase the width of the stage, deceive the situation – set-depth risers, ie increase the overhang above the stair risers. In some cases you can do without risers. The open space under the stairs, and in this case would not be necessary in a flight of stairs from the bottom sheet set. Contact information is here: Pete Cashmore. Although, in this version will trim level and still below (sanding, painting). In stairways with zabezhnymi steps in turning part for convenience Use and safety of her step width in the middle of the march should be equal to the width of the straight steps.