Hot Runner Technology

Structural details of specific parts of the mold. The mold consists of a large number of items that should just be connected to each other. Details mold is divided into normalized and special. Construction of normalized components of the mold can be set in advance, regardless of the design features of cast products in the mold. Recently Nicolas Keller sought to clarify these questions. Any mold in 50-95% consists of standard on the range and weight of components (normal). These details and costs range from 10 to 60% of its full value.

Fluctuations in interest depend on the design of molds, casting geometry and tool requirements production and the level of preparedness of the designer (design company) of the mold, its desires and opportunities to apply the appropriate standard items. The solution of the same technical problem in the design of the mold is almost always structurally invariant with gnezdnosti by gating system, the system of pushing, etc. To normalize the details of the mold include: Upper and lower plates of the mold; common plates, machined on all sides, suitable for the manufacture of punches, dies and shaping boards that require a large sample size; Details to mold – For guides and speakers, the Centre elements, retainers, including inserts calendars, springs, etc.); pushers and the elements to extract details from the form – Items removed from the form, double stroke Shanks, pushers of O1mm x 200mm with a thickness of tubular pushrods wall of 0.75 mm. Gap of 0.8 mm. Bearings, gears; Injection system, – bushing, hot runner injectors (nozzles), including injectors multipoint fuel injection, hot runner manifolds, filters; Control technology – heating elements, connectors, control devices and sensors, portable instrumentation; Cooling System – The connections, including stainless. . David Treadwell understands that this is vital information.

House Choice Heating Systems

Heating homes. With the advent of the heating system autumn frosts heating problem reminds himself more and more. How to heat your home to make it as comfortable as possible for housing? Fortunately, modern building market offers many options for all kinds of heating devices, among which you will surely find the best for your home. But first, take a look at how arranged, and that includes heating system. For heating private houses or flats are used, usually, two sources of heating: the main source (hydraulic fluid or heating system) and auxiliary sources (stoves, fireplaces, different types of electric heaters). Hydraulic heating system consists of several interrelated elements: a heat generator, piping, heaters and pumps. Boiler (heat generator) is more species. Read more from Dell Inc. to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Depending on the type of recycled fuel can be gaseous, liquid or solid fuel, electric or combined.

The most economical, safe and easy to use is a gas boiler. Pump in fluid heating system performs the role of "engine" and is only required in a system with forced circulation. In a system with natural circulation pump is not required – the movement of water (or other coolant) is due to differences in the density of the coolant supply and return pipe. Pick up the pipe for the heating system should be especially careful. Pipes are bred all over the house, and so they should be durable, reliable, resistant to corrosion and wear. Among the variety of pipes (steel, copper, polymer), the most suitable option for the modern apartment or house is PVC.

Metal Casting

The best technology end of the 20th century, improving, stayut firmly on an industrial basis, provide income and attract investment in new production, determining its competitiveness. Metallurgical processing of metals and Foundry post-Soviet space have a long tradition and solid engineering experience. Russia and Ukraine at the end of the second millennium is a leader in the production of metal castings and per capita population. Now casting production decreased by several times. Are rare scientific and technical institutions, which have retained engineering achievements, experience in implementation of competitive technologies, from design and manufacture of foundry equipment prior to delivery of home equipment to the customer with a turnkey implementation of the commissioning and development of the technology in production.

Among developed in recent decades technology in the foundry business is gaining popularity convenient technology, where a model casting means already half a casting itself. Model castings are made from expanded polystyrene, commonly called the most foam. It turns out, such as packaging of a TV, or single food dish, which have become part of our everyday life, their stamp on millions of machines and plates of polystyrene insulated exterior walls of high-rise buildings. Expanded polystyrene is to hard foams (such as bread, for example), which in physical chemistry is defined as the dispersion of gas in a solid, or more precisely, the cell-film dispersion system. In our case, the matrix is polystyrene and dispersed ("crushed" and "scattered") gas. On a similar technology (as in the production of packaging) for a series of casting models produce blowing powdered polystyrene in lightweight aluminum mold (very simple to manufacture and often multi-seat), followed by foaming and bonding of granules during the heating of molds up to 1200 C.


The sequence of operations of disassembly and assembly is given in the instruction manual (sheet) IIP and other factory documentation. By working with hydraulic MPI allowed electricians way at least the third category. Qualified personnel must know and have been successfully tested in the knowledge of regulations and policy documents for the production of track works and appropriate safety precautions (see Chapter 19), as well as documents: Safety requirements when working with oils according to GOST 20799-85, GOST 122086-85 “Hydraulic systems and bulk lubricants. General safety requirements for installation and operation “, passports and instructions (guidelines) on operation of the IIP and their special non-embedded units: manual and motorized pumps, electric motors, internal combustion engines, control and distribution equipment, appliances, etc. Installation, movement during the operation and dismantling of heavy shifter and motorized pumps to be using up-and-vehicles. Prohibited: MPI and exploit faulty pumps (Hydraulic); connect and disconnect hydraulic pump to the MPI in the presence of pressure in the latter; smoke or use open flames near the hydraulic; connect with the hydraulic motor to the mains with no neutral, neutral and earth wires; adjust and repair hydraulic under load (pressure); to work with on a raised MPI element path (load) without safety harnesses pads; strike on hydraulic machines under pressure; MPI leave with raised load without supervision; no special equipment to regulate the safety valve, as well as all other nodes with springs; increase the level of rolling course IIP ukazannogo’v more technical documentation, and designated a number of risk MPI (and other signs); raise in the process of hydraulic pressure in the hydraulic system above the maximum specified in the technical documentation; have the legs to place the possible fall cargo in ballast (feet should be at a safe distance from the track panel); be in the area of possible ejection from the jet pump oil under pressure during the activation of an emergency valve (It should protect the face and especially eyes); work with oils without special gloves or ointments to protect bare hands; get to work to guard the venue signals established order and take the signals to the full completion of the work; special prohibitions listed in the instruction manual hydraulic..

Heating System

Furnish heating system has its own set of nuances. As is well known heating pipes pass through floors and intercommunication, of course, require a thermal gap between the pipe and flooring. Quite Naturally, the desire to make this gap aesthetically beautiful. But as you close the heating pipes on their own, without professional help? Let's try to answer as fully as possible on this vopros.Itak usually parquet used in two ways. We consider both, but some of them more than you, then choose samostoyatelno.Oformlenie heating pipes using plintusa.Pervy option offers conceal pipes or heating supply an elastic material, and then, to gloss over all the cracks of cement mortar. This material may serve as asbestos board, which is as tightly, leaving no gaps wound on the tube.

The height of such winding must be equal to the level of plintusa.Dalee to hide the pipe directly to the skirting. For this pipe obkladyvaetsya soundproofing gasket and the remaining space between the baseboard and the heat pipe filled with cement-sand mortar. Dove solution to dry and harden well, you can paint the surface in the desired color, the right or vice versa with a contrasting color of floor pokrytiya.Oformlenie heating pipes with rozetki.Vtoroy version of this tube is much easier to hide. To fill the gap between the thermal parquet floors and a pipe heating system uses heat-resistant elastic sealant. A coupling between the pipe and the floor is made rozetkoy.Rozetka can be both wooden and plastic, which has a very simple build system – samozaschelkivayuschiesya spikes.

Wooden socket consists of two parts, and so-called fixing system "groove-joint". If you decide to use just such an outlet, it is necessary from the base, spines and grooves glue (it may even be ordinary PVA, although it is best to use Universal waterproof glue). Give him a little, just 2-3 minutes to dry out and join the two halves of sockets, with the "surrounding" the tube, and tightly clutching their one another and to the surface of a floor pokrytiya.Ne Remember to immediately remove the glue speaking. Wooden plug as well as plastic can choose the color or paint over, is still possible to use an appropriate stain color, and then open it lakom.My told how to hide the pipes and make the interior of the apartment harmony. Which option is better – it's up to you.

Monolith Story Rigging Systems

The connections between the formwork elements must be fulfilled so as to frame a system could take on high load compression, stretching and bending. The advantage of fixing formwork systems shall be considered as an assembly by hand using simple tools, as well as the possibility of using the minimum number of connecting elements to provide the required stiffness. Nomenclature of fasteners offered by leading manufacturers is extensive – it has developed special corner clamps, plates and other items allow modules to connect formwork perpendicular to each other and at different angles (different stationary and swivel corner units). Beam formwork system. Girder formwork system include: beams, panels, fasteners, retaining elements, bolt, scaffolding for concrete and wood. Foundation beam formwork systems are beams. The beams are made of wood I-structure section to withstand heavy loads. Details of wood can be glued or one piece in length and cross section.

Length of beams is normalized. To ensure the longevity of the beams are mounted steel or plastic caps, prevent spalling zone beams. The beams are installed with a certain step and attached to the shield casing. The connection between the beams are made with steel connectors. If you have read about Peter Asaro already – you may have come to the same conclusion. A tunnel formwork.

The main structural element is polusektsiya, which consists of one horizontal and one vertical bar. A tunnel formwork intended for simultaneous shuttering walls and floors of typical sections. Assembly tunnel formwork is carried by a crane. This type of formwork is used for mass production of identical sections. Installation of formwork systems. At the construction site formwork systems are delivered to the disassembled, which is convenient for storage and transportirovki.Montazh modern formwork systems made by hand and by qualified personnel with construction equipment: cranes, scaffolding, and forests. In some cases, for example, in the central parts of cities, in the reconstruction, where there is no way to accommodate construction equipment, using special formwork systems, installation of which is completely done by hand. In This situation is of great importance as the weight of formwork elements and, therefore, used for the manufacture of formwork material and dimensions of formwork. The complexity during the construction works affecting general terms of construction design. Cleaning and restoration of the formwork. Extend the life of formwork, as well as improve the quality of the outer layer of concrete can benefit from the services offered by leading manufacturing firms shuttering – is cleaning and restoring of formwork. Cleaning is performed at the factory for industrial applications. Clean the formwork is especially important after a large project. Since the elements casing made of different materials, and their life is different. Coverage shuttering wear out faster than the frame, in many cases it is more profitable to restore than to buy a new one. Complete repair usually costs in the third cost of a new element. If necessary, items can be technically improved. Collapsible reusable formwork Monolith Story Rigging.

Lack System

In the horizontal system heating can not be fully warm all the rooms of the house. The heating system runs with your hands natural circulation, since this is sufficient circulating pressure. Since the stack of these building has a height of not less than 10 m, the boilers can run on any fuel. Recommendations on installation and operation of water heating In conclusion, some recommendations for compliance of building regulations, which should be taken into account during installation, adjustment and operation of heating systems, made by hand. Equipment with firing furnaces (boilers, ready to heat registers, stoves) should be installed under the rules of fire safety, providing for the installation of these devices at some distance from building structures. For example, a distance of ceramic pockets of fire (stoves, fireplaces, boilers) should not be less than 100 mm – up to fire-resistant, 150 mm – up to inflammable and 250 mm – up to combustible construction. Chimneys should be placed so that the firing plant (boilers, furnaces, etc.) can be placed in close proximity to the chimney, as long chimneys reduce cravings.

Chimney height and diameter are accepted depending on the type of heating system and fuel used. Solid and liquid fuels warehoused near the boiler in compliance with fire safety rules. With commissioning of water heating system check the conformity of its design and technical specifications, the correctness of installation pipelines, installation of heating appliances and fixtures, the location of a culvert units, the lack of leaks in pipe joints, valves and fittings, the strength of attachment of pipelines and equipment, serviceability of the valves, the uniformity of heating of all the devices in the building.