Metal Casting

The best technology end of the 20th century, improving, stayut firmly on an industrial basis, provide income and attract investment in new production, determining its competitiveness. Metallurgical processing of metals and Foundry post-Soviet space have a long tradition and solid engineering experience. Russia and Ukraine at the end of the second millennium is a leader in the production of metal castings and per capita population. Now casting production decreased by several times. Are rare scientific and technical institutions, which have retained engineering achievements, experience in implementation of competitive technologies, from design and manufacture of foundry equipment prior to delivery of home equipment to the customer with a turnkey implementation of the commissioning and development of the technology in production.

Among developed in recent decades technology in the foundry business is gaining popularity convenient technology, where a model casting means already half a casting itself. Model castings are made from expanded polystyrene, commonly called the most foam. It turns out, such as packaging of a TV, or single food dish, which have become part of our everyday life, their stamp on millions of machines and plates of polystyrene insulated exterior walls of high-rise buildings. Expanded polystyrene is to hard foams (such as bread, for example), which in physical chemistry is defined as the dispersion of gas in a solid, or more precisely, the cell-film dispersion system. In our case, the matrix is polystyrene and dispersed ("crushed" and "scattered") gas. On a similar technology (as in the production of packaging) for a series of casting models produce blowing powdered polystyrene in lightweight aluminum mold (very simple to manufacture and often multi-seat), followed by foaming and bonding of granules during the heating of molds up to 1200 C.