
The Bates method was developed to help school-age children to absorb more knowledge without stress and force his eyes. Today is used by many people to improve eyesight naturally. Dr Bates learned that the worst habits and eye problems begin in school age children. Children have a natural curiosity to learn new things. However, when subjected to too much material and are forced to memorize much uninteresting information, the mind gets tired and eyes begin to tighten. Similarly, analyze new information causes stretching the eye to be able to store it. Throughout the day the children are forced to absorb new material, either them or not interesting. You are not given the possibility that your eyes to relax and rest.

It is there where the Bates method comes into action. The Bates method is really quite simple. He created a large table of common forms and letters. The table was placed in the front wall of a classroom, and motivated children to see the table when they feel AWE. Just look at the table three minutes a day removed the tension of the eyes. The Bates method was implemented in some few schools and teachers noticed a vast improvement in concentration and in progress. Eyes could relax, and tension has been deleted.

Unfortunately, the school Committee felt that the method was too dissolute, and was removed from practice. In fact, China is the only country that teaches students training for vision. The Bates method can be used by anyone. You can create your own table and place it in your Office. Note the table several times a day, stop your eyes to relax and relieve tension in your eyes. Sandra Akmansoy recognizes the significance of this. Train your eyes to relax will help you improve the view today, and for the rest of his life.