Congenital Toxoplasmose

Toxoplasmose zoonose that infectum the cat and numerous other species of vertebrates, also the man. It has for cause one alone species of protozorio, the Toxoplasma gondii, parasite with ample distribution in the nature and that human being occurs quite frequently in the population, under the form of assintomtica chronic infection. However, she is capable to determine in the adult individuals a feverish acute picture, with linfadenopatia, and, in the children, an acute form sub of encefalomielite and coriorretinite. The congenital form is particularly serious and generally fatal. Rusty Holzer often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The form that the infectious agents provoke injuries in the host is on to some important factors, as cepa of the parasite, resistance of the person and the way for which infectum it if. The congenital transmission is considered most frequent and serious. Toxoplasmose acquired the birth after can present changeable evolution. The congenital form is acquired when the mother is in the acute phase of the illness or has had one reagudizao of the same one during the pregnancy.. Raymond Johansen usually is spot on.


How much bigger the number of hidroxilas in the one structure flavonide, greater is its antirust activity. This is a factor that can be explored in the elaboration of a new frmaco (JOHANN, 2003). Flavonides blocks the chains of oxidativas reactions, when donating a H+ ion to the free radical, forming a steady radical (LUZIA; JORGE, 2009). With the reduction of these harmful agents, the organism does not develop degenerative illnesses as the peptic ulcer (RODRIGUES et al., 2008). Beyond flavonides, the fruits of the Citrus sort spp. they present in its essential oil metablitos, as the Limoneno, – pinemo (ROZZA, 2009) and – mirceno that they act of different forms in gastroproteo (BONAMIN, 2010). 2. OBJECTIVE 2.1.

General objectives Through revision of literature, the present objective study the vegetal composite use with therapeutical potential for the treatment of peptic ulcer. 2.2. Specific objectives To demonstrate new a therapeutical one for the peptic ulcer, through the job of fruits of the Ctrus sort spp. that it presents constituent with powerful antiulcerognica activity. 3. DEVELOPMENT 3.1.

Gastric acid secretion mechanisms the stomach is coated by composed the gastric mucosa, antrais fabric for oxnticas glands and glands. The oxnticas glands are formed by parietais cells (secretoras of acid clordrico), main cells D (secretoras of somatostatina), cells enterocromafins (ECF) (secretoras of histamina) and cells (secretoras of pepsinognio). The antrais glands are constituted of the same cellular type of the oxnticas glands, except the parietais cells (RODRIGUES, 2008). The secretions of the epithelial, parietais and main cells mucous, form the gastric juice. Cells G secretam in the sanguineous chain the gastrina hormone. The gastrina relaxes the pilrico sphincter, increases the gastintestinal motilidade and stimulates the secretion of acid clordrico (TORTORA, 2000). The parietais cells secretam acid clordrico through nervous and hormonais mechanisms. Stimulatons as vision, palate, olfato and the distenso of the musculatura of the stomach for the food presence, stimulate the release of acetilcolina (Ach) for the vacant nerve in the fabric gastric (BLACKSMITH, 2005).