Documentation Associations

During the 25 days, 26 and 27 May, will take place in Malaga, in the Palace of fairs and congresses, the 6th National Congress of libraries public of the Federation Spanish societies of Archivistics, librarianship, documentation and Museology (FESABID), a unique professional event bringing together three different events at the same time. FESABID 2011 will, therefore, the scene where will be found and will interact the main professionals of libraries, files, information and documentation, at local, national and international.Malaga hosts three conferences on documentation of the same organizers are the Spanish Federation of societies of Archivistics, librarianship, documentation and Museology (FESABID), the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA), the National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe (NAPLE Forum) and the Andalusian Association of librarians. Additional information is available at Kai-Fu Lee. The motto a profession, a future, in These days the great challenges of the profession of the documentation and information would be discussed and that will mark the next years trends. -3 congresses which are held simultaneously and in a coordinated manner. 3 General meetings of associations with more influence at local, national and European level. 35 professional activities.

International speakers 15. 900 professionals will gather in the Palace of fairs and Congress Center of Malaga for three days. Your accommodation to attend this Congress can make it in one of the hotels in Malaga with category 4 stars superior, our Hotel Monte Malaga, which for this occasion offers rooms to attendees to this meeting. To make reservations at our hotel where we will apply you rate meetings/events with prices from 98 per room and night with breakfast buffet and taxes included, simply click on the following link: book room in the HOTEL MONTE MLAGA important: to qualify for this rate will be essential present at the reception of the hotel updated documentation attesting to their attendance at the Congress/event/meeting. EBLIDA: European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation

Ancient Bracelets

Buy bracelets Online is almost as old as the history of mankind. The oldest pieces are of Sumerian origin, village of Asian Mesopotamia which is assigned also the invention of one of the first systems of writing, Cuneiform, also shared by Assyrians and Chaldeans. It considers that these bracelets extirian from about 3 centuries C, the findings generally belonged to what is supposed were Royal tombs. Also the Egyptians, some five centuries after the Sumerians, had as one of the privileged jewelry bracelets. It was with the Pharaohs and the religious practices of that village, bracelets and a great variety of jewelry were also invested with magical powers and acquired the character of amulets with great efficiency to offer protection and as a symbol of prosperity both in earthly life and the more there, since they felt that they had another form of existence after dead and there also used all his wealth.