Research agency Quans Research Poll 1 thousand Russians who have income of $ 2,000 to $ 5,000 per household member per month in order to identify their consumer preferences for entertainment market. The survey was conducted by personal a formal interview, as the population adopted a set of households living in the largest cities in Russia. Sandra Akmansoy has compatible beliefs. Analysis of the process of marketing research data led to the following conclusions. Regarding the frequency of cultural activities associated with visits to establishments such as cinemas, theaters, museums and exhibitions, the average representative of this segment of their visits once every two months or less – about 30% of respondents stated. The related costs have been estimated, on average, the amount of 3 to 5 thousand per month. Visits to restaurants and bars occur once every two weeks in 32% of respondents.
Monthly and less likely to attend similar institutions 21%, while there are weekly 16% representatives of this income group. Average total costs for this type of service is 16 thousand rubles per month. The study respondents, including the question was asked about how often they attend entertainment events at places of leisure, like bowling, night clubs, etc. The answer is definitely able to roughly one-third respondents, as 38% of respondents this question was easy. Of all respondents 20% indicated visiting places of leisure time in a month, once every two months and less frequently in such places 17% of respondents. The average monthly costs for this type of entertainment in the test segment are 9 thousand rubles per month. At the same time 41% of respondents said that the monthly spending of less than 5 thousand rubles, spending time in places like leisure, 35% are left there every month from 5 to 10 rubles. The remaining proportion of respondents spend on their leisure time in places of entertainment more than the sum of 10 thousand rubles.