With the interGreenBuilding trade fair area, the RENEXPO has created a platform for energy efficiency in construction and renovation. Solutions in the fields of building efficiency and sustainable architecture both for new as well as old buildings are presented here. Exhibition focuses on ecological building materials, thermal insulation and passive house. More focus to the topics of heating, cooling and ventilation. “A highlight of the interGreenBuilding is the free lecture series BAKA Forum practice building on tour”. The special wood construction creates a platform after its successful premiere 2009 also in this year the RENEXPO again specially titled sustainable Bauen with wood. Numerous exhibitors presented the material advantages of this material nachhaltiger materials and tragfahigstes aller heat insulated.
The RENEXPO heat pumps world leading producers present their products and offer their solutions. So does the company OCHSNER Warmepumpen GmbH with a new series for hot – water heat pumps two compact units, which are equipped with latest technology of heat pump and a new controller out. Solar energy also has a prominent place on the RENEXPO. Both the single use for the production of electricity or heat as well as combination possibilities of solar thermal and photovoltaic with other sources of energy will be presented at the fair. Furthermore is a specialist Conference on the topic of solar thermal energy + heat pump instead. In the context of the RENEXPO prevention Microbially-induced damage in the modern house construction, the 4th Symposium decentralized mini and micro cogeneration and the 1st Congress held more congresses, including the 1st Conference city of the future, which deals with intelligent energy strategies and building automation. The congresses offer specialist craftsmen in the area to form further renewable energy and energy efficiency. Online at for more information and the current exhibition program.