Introduction the end of the war-cold provoked subjecting of one ' ' velha' ' international order that seated the relation of strategical forces in the bipolarity and the ideological confrontation between two blocks – the East and the West. This marcante event in recent world-wide history led more to the adoption of a concept widened, including and globalizado of security and defense, where the security of each State started to constitute concern of all. The factor security thus passed to dominate agendas international, especially in complex contexts of crisis, and particularly in quadrants that until then had one reduced strategical value, is to relate concretely of the seas, therefore that its geoestratgico and geopolitical value seemed to be secundarizado in face of the imensido of the terrestrial power where the politics of ' seated; ' detente' '. In this direction, the organizations had started to include in its agendas of the cooperation for the peace the vector of the security and the defense of the maritimidade, therefore in a context more global, if it cannot speak in development supported without a partilhada security and it does not exist security partilhada without assumpo of uniformity in the principles that each organization weaves as basic values. Thus it is in land or in the sea, thus it is in the organizations where the fulcral objectivo is the cooperation in the source of the defense, and thus is in the organizations that center the cooperation in the diplomatics-lngustica-cultural-econmica source, as it is the case of the Community of the Countries of Portuguese Lngua (CPLP). Honoring this paradigm, the Community of the Countries of Portuguese Language currently consists in an only geocultural patrimnio in the globe, joining (for already) eight carrying countries of the same language and represents a mechanism of capital importance in the multidimensional strategical cooperation for the security and the development of its State-members.